So. I posted a thread on this a while back but it was never discussed as far as I know and now it is deleted, so I would like to request some help with this. Back when I was Grammar Hero, Fuzzlr gave me his head as a reward for being Grammar Hero and I kept it. Then, when Fuzzlr updated his skin last year, to this:
I picked it up and then put it back, and the skin updated itself. Now that Fuzzlr's skin is back to normal, when I try to update it, it won't work. I can assume this is due to the fact that 1.8 came along, but now my Fuzzlr head doesn't look like Fuzzlr. Now, as my micromanaging self, I would appreciate it if I could have a new head to replace this one, or something of the like, please. More proof of head below.
NOTICE in the picture above: [PlayerHeads] That's Fuzzlr's Head