Me and some friend have actually been in Terrarium like all day :p (@@Lemoh ,@@n00bslayer_99 ,@@_masterdude_ ,@@Gowlee ,@@gooboyshitstevie ,@@Cherrykit ) But undoubtedly, we have found some faults and bugs.
The main one is to do with this new entrance. If you go down the stairs and o to the platofrm, it becoms PvP even though it is supposed to be a SafeZone. So people have been SafeZone shooting at us since we cant shoot back at them. If there are 2 people on this platform (at the bottom of the new entrance, just past the stairs) they can fight eachother and push another one into the Arena.. @@icoolguyi . So yea, that's a problem.
Also, hit detection is Rubbish. There must have been about 8 god people whp climbed up the ladder without us being able to hit the off. The Bow detection is alright, but it is still not amazing. Im pretty sure the reason for the bad detection is the AntiCheat plugin / mod that is installed in all worlds bar KitPvP. So at the moment it is have hackers but good PvP or Bad PvP and no Hackers. Im sure there is a way around this though.
Final point, we encontered loads of loggers... (@@icoolguyi , MelonGecko, and some citizens). Maybe we could add the Anti logger thing we usd to have in KitPvP so that we can still get loot for loggers. Obviously there are the flaws in terms of the PvPlogger names in Tab but surely that's fixable.
So yea, hopefully when these things are back we can start up GodPvP again. Thanks -@@Fuzzlr ,@@Coelho , @@Cooleysworld ,@@Sjoeppappentrap ,@@Deinen
Gotta love de @'s :p
EDIT: Newly found bug, the water at the bottom of the new dropzone works as a SafeZone. If you sink to the bottom so your play is covered in water, you cannot be ot or damaged by anything. Im pretty sure this is a big as it is in the Arena.