Empoleon_master Granted but she now hates you forever and cries.I wish I could make any stitching project appear finished instantly o.oGranted but they all have butts appear on them randomlyNow for my next wish...."CRACKERS!"
chaos546 Granted but they all have butts appear on them randomlyNow for my next wish...."CRACKERS!"~ @Empoleon_masterGranted, but they are stale and soaked. Eww. Wet bread.I wish to have a stable internet connection from the room I'm in.
Empoleon_master Granted, but they are stale and soaked. Eww. Wet bread.I wish to have a stable internet connection from the room I'm in.~ @chaos546Granted, but now that's the only wifi spot in the universe, congradulations you've screwed the world...AND MY INTERNET!!!Next wish"Crackers?!?!!??"
Muunkee Granted, but now that's the only wifi spot in the universe, congradulations you've screwed the world...AND MY INTERNET!!!Next wish"Crackers?!?!!??"~ @Empoleon_masterWish granted....but they are covered in vegemite.I wish to get all of my friend ultimate
chaos546 Wish granted....but they are covered in vegemite.I wish to get all of my friend ultimateGranted, but then all of Ultimate's perks are taken away, so they now have no commands at all!I wish to be home so I can play Dragon Age.
Muunkee Granted, but then all of Ultimate's perks are taken away, so they now have no commands at all!I wish to be home so I can play Dragon Age.~ @chaos546Granted but your Pc/xbox/whatever you play it on is broken. Woops.I wish I could study more and like....focus!
metr0n0me Granted but your Pc/xbox/whatever you play it on is broken. Woops.I wish I could study more and like....focus!Wish granted but you fail all of your classes.I wish that this thread was never made.
Acceleradiance chris, you just reminded me of this:http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=490437AnywayWish granted but you fail all of your classes. I wish that this thread was never made.~ @metr0n0meWish granted, the thread was never made 5 years agoI wish for more meebles
Empoleon_master chris, you just reminded me of this:http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=490437AnywayWish granted, the thread was never made 5 years agoI wish for more meebles~ @AcceleradianceYou get meebles...but they're in the form of hornemans heads...which everyone on the server burns via one mass effigy in pure spite of his greed.I wish that Wonderfalls got 5 more seasons along with firefly.
Ninja_of_Tempest Granted, but suddenly you can't stop growing taller.I wish I had another dog.~ @isbg.Granted but it's really aggressive and bites everything.I wish I had a million dollars in pizza rolls.
chrisandmatthew Granted, but you lose half a million to me as tax.I wish my cat would come out of hiding.
isbg. Granted, but you lose half a million to me as tax.I wish my cat would come out of hiding.~ @chrisandmatthewGranted, but it won't stop biting you.I wish I had more meebles.
n00bslayer_99 Granted, but your account gets wiped.I wish for a wish that happens no matter what the next person says.
swordsamster21 Granted, but it won't stop biting you.I wish I had more meebles.~ @isbg.Granted, but you lose them unexplicably the next day.I wish i had a good breakfast.
SirCallow Granted, but you lose them unexplicably the next day.I wish i had a good breakfast.~ @swordsamster21Granted but you saw a deer hit on the road and lost your breakfast.I wish I had 1,000,000 meebles.
Pyro707 Granted but you saw a deer hit on the road and lost your breakfast.I wish I had 1,000,000 meebles.~ @SirCallowGranted but you get banned and money wiped the next day.I wish I had infinite building materials.