PHOTO: Curious Customers Clamor Over Compelling Commodity
We are working to ensure that all player rank upgrades meet expectations. Many new donation perks were released today:
- Ultimate+ may purchase Rabbit Spawners at the Server Shop
- Supreme+ may purchase Rabbit Spawn Eggs at the Server Shop
- Elite+ may activate their night vision goggles (/nv)
- Exclusive+ may now spawn any head in the Creative World (/ph spawn)
- Exclusive+ may now open an enderchest anywhere (/enderchest)
- Exclusive+ may now change the time (/ptime)
- Premium+ may now open a crafting table anywhere (/workbench)
- All players may now use (/recipe)
Want to get extra perks? You can now purchase
Famous Heads at
http://meepcraft.com/upgrade. Thank you for your contribution!