TheJohnseyClutch dianab is in the staff pic lol@@DianaB72congrats!somehow in my staff career, I was never in a pic.that's about 2 years of work.
TheJohnseyClutch isn't bbycakes2012 staff, she isn't on list but she is.poor bbycakes2012@@bbycakes2012
Landonator419 Pssst I think landonatorerreereer is mad that he isn't in the picture.~ @j00madIm not mad lol
Courtneyyy bbycakes is missing :'(~ @TheJohnseyClutchNo she isn't she is standing right next to me :)
TheJohnseyClutch No she isn't she is standing right next to me :)~ @CourtneyyyI've looked at this picture like 50 times, I'm crazy or what to do now.