Deinen This weather lately... Am I right? Car get stuck yet?~ @ArsenalHDNo! Luckily not. :) I got a plow at my disposal though, so it helps. heh
metr0n0me Just a questionWhen you say our towny plots become unowned, do they become unowned plots, or are they reverted to the wild?Also do chest shops lose their items?Also, is it as all possible to run chest shops by MeepID?
DeadlyPoptartz No! Luckily not. :) I got a plow at my disposal though, so it helps. heh~ @DeinenI never got much snow, 1-2 inches at most.
Krazycat600 Why never fix chestshop? Is it because the person who made the plugin doesnt work on it anymore or something?
andrewrobins We have banned, and do ban for innapropriate names. This is decided on a case by case basis, depending on the name, if they have donated, and various other considerations. This practice will not change, especially not now. If you come on MeepCraft with a innapropriate name, it may result in a ban.~ @DeinenIts been stated (in game) that there is .0. Tollerance on inapropriate names i.e you are banned permed till you rename your charecter PG. Shouldn't matter if they are donators. In fact they should have more common sence.
Coelho When do you believe ranks will move with name changes?Now.Glad to see we have our priorities right! Halo before towny!~ @Jdude5786I've explained this before, but the reasoning is simple. You can work around the Towny issue by simply transferring your town/nation. You can not work around the Halo issue.
Cookies713 tl;dr Probably shouldn't change your name yet.Let's talk name changes.Recently, Mojang added name changes to Minecraft where you can change your name for free every 30 days. This isn't fully compatible with MeepCraft yet, so here are some things to look out for if you change your name:What you will keepBansUniverse statsMeeblesItems / equipment / ender chestVotesPwarpsMeepChestHomesCreative plotsMailDonator Ranks~ @CoelhoWhat you will lose~ @Coelho~ @CoelhoHalo stats (*)Towns/nations and resident status (**)Skyblock (***)ChestShop (****)Last known position (*)(*) This is planned to be fixed first priority(**) This is planned to be fixed second priority(***) This is planned to be fixed with an unrelated major update.(****) This will never be fixed.~ @Coelho So I can't change it if I want to keep my Skyblock? mkayAdded commands~ @Coelho~ @Coelho/seen - See a player's IdComing soon/history # - See a player's previous names by their Id/history - See the previous players who have used this name/seen - See a player's Id~ @Coelho
_MacintoshWave_ but cant you assign the perks to the people who changed their names? if you have access to the config files of the groups/perks/donations plugin then shouldn't you be able to change their name by putting the new name into the config file where their old name was, that should fix the general name issue. people will just have to announce that they're changing names in the forums by telling us their old name so that we know where to put the new name. and they would have to announce their new name so that we know what name to replace the old name with. got that?
Cookies713 but cant you assign the perks to the people who changed their names? if you have access to the config files of the groups/perks/donations plugin then shouldn't you be able to change their name by putting the new name into the config file where their old name was, that should fix the general name issue. people will just have to announce that they're changing names in the forums by telling us their old name so that we know where to put the new name. and they would have to announce their new name so that we know what name to replace the old name with. got that?~ @_MacintoshWave_You keep your ranks now anyways.
Owen Powell Aw man I wanted to lose my ban history ;-;jk i was never banned xDalthough I was kicked like 3 times~ @FillylandingXDI kicked you once!
Owen Powell Pretty sure I kicked you once....Actually no, as the only people to have kicked me were owengpowell14 for many reasons, such as announcing my resignation, Cooleysworld for spam, and SurvivingSword11 for "No You're Not", after I said I was resigning.
Mowmee Yeah, I changed my name to Mowmee_ and I got kicked from my town Ebon. I asked the Co-Mayor (Melynarra) to add me back. She said yes. I re-joined and got my Assistant rank back. I have no plots. Even if you claim your own plot it will not be yours. Be careful. If you live in an inactive town be careful, you could never return to your stuff. I learned the heard way. Don't make the same mastake I did.--Mowmee or Mowmee_