Sjoeppappentrap A promotional video made by a Meepcraft community member (Sarge926).Make sure to check it out! initiative!Sjoeppappentrap
Landonator419 A promotional video made by a Meepcraft community member (Sarge926).Make sure to check it out! initiative!Sjoeppappentrap~ @SjoeppappentrapGood work.
builderjunkie012 We should make bill gates put this on the super bowl since microsoft owns minecraft.
TheAngelEclipse *watches trailer, doesn't realize was holding breath with mouth half open the whole time*Psssh. I could totally beat that.On a serious note, it was great. :)
Cookies713 *slightly jealous* Ok, that was awesome. Much better that anything I could cobble together with Windows Movie Maker. Kudos to you!
417Mario A promotional video made by a Meepcraft community member (Sarge926).Make sure to check it out! initiative!Sjoeppappentrap~ @SjoeppappentrapIf you like the video, give a like to Sarge.
DarkWarriorX5 Amazing! This should be the ad vid. if not already I don't really keep up with that. Super glad this is one of the announcements on meepcraft homepage! xD amazing!Oh and p.s I'm sure no one could really do any better. Just saying.