later on, may be some of the people's bank or balance will be wipe. If you don't want this happen to you then you must follow these steps. Once all of my meebles got wiped and I tried to get refund, staff said they can't. Here is the reason. I did not take the screenshots. I see a lot of people made and making a threads about that their money are wiped or their items are wiped. But they don't have a screenshots. If you don't have a screenshots, the percentage of getting refund is really low. So from now on take a screenshots and be prepare.
To take a screen shots and save it as a picture (Window)
1. Click the window you want to capture. Press Alt+Print Screen by holding down the Alt key and then pressing the Print Screen key. The Print Screen key is near the upper-right corner of your keyboard. (Depending on the type of keyboard you have, the exact key names on your keyboard may vary slightly.)
NOTE : You can take a screen shot of your entire desktop rather than just a single window by pressing the Print Screen key without holding down the Alt key.
2. Click Start, click Accessories, and then click Paint.
3. In the Paint window, click Edit, and then click Paste.
4. When the image appears in the Paint window, click File, and then click Save As.
5. In the Save As dialog box, in the File name box, type a name for the screen shot, and then click Save.
[I]To take a screen shots and save it as a picture (Mac)[/I]
1. On your keyboard, press Command + Shift + 3 and then release all keys
2. Now look on your Mack desktop and you should notice a new .png file that contains the words screenshot in the title. This is the screen shot you just took.
3. Done.
Thank you for reading this guide.
Any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask.