Cooleysworld [ATTACH=full]18902[/ATTACH]Updates of the week![B]/Chest: The bug with /chest was corrected and is now working correctly (players lost no items they had in chests)[/B][B]/warp shop:MeepCity Market prices have been updated! You can now also sell more items @ /warp shop[/B][B]/warp shop:MeepMas present heads are now for sale @/warp shop[/B]/warp maze: A unique Conquerer outfit has been added to the prize (uncraftable, you can only earn it once!)[B]Stay tuned for future updates and bug fixes[/B]
Killdogx No need for the parent heads... Fix the spawners or change back to 1.7.10. But thanks anyways
SillySilver Yay! :3Now we need spawners and minigames fixed. Also hitting in kit... And other things. :I