This update was mostly internal changes. The update started at 9:10 PM PST, and ended at 11:30 PM PST.
Notable changes during this update:
- Tons of performance improvements to all database operations
- Enhanced internal server APIs to make room for new content
- Chat: Similarity checker on messages. If you send messages of more than 90% similarity within 10 seconds, the server will deny your message. This occurs in global chat, and local chat in populated areas (like spawns)
- Chat: Staff can now see through the advertisement filter
- Chat: (note the case) no longer gets censored by the advertisement filter
- Chat: Private chat now uses the filter
- Currency: Total balance fix implemented. If you are inactive for 2 weeks and have less than 2.5M, you will no longer appear on baltop or be included in the total balance.
- Currency: /baltop chat format fixed
- Vortex: Redirecting too fast and causing a "You are already logged in" error is now fixed.
- Visual: Informational holograms are now working on 1.8
If you see a bug, please report it in the
Report a Bug forum or file a modreq in-game.
Thank you!