Ranger0203 Getting impatient for the new spawn? Don't worry. Yesterday we reviewed the latest version of the spawn and there are still some final changes that we need to make before it is released. There is a lot of thought and planning going into the new layout. I am sure it will be worth the wait!~ @Fuzzlrare they big changes? like re-doing? or little ones that'll take a week or so...?
SillySilver this looks nice!!!!! :)I just am sad meepshop is leaving :(~ @cooeyUmm tbh, Meepshop ruined Meeps Economy...so its better that its gonna be gone for good.
Ranger0203 Umm tbh, Meepshop ruined Meeps Economy...so its better that its gonna be gone for good.~ @SillySilverthe new one did. I miss the v-shop. It was great for the ecoVery nice looking spawn, yet in reality I could of built a better looking one, more user friendly one in 1/40 of the time. #meeplogic~ @marshallmafers1/40 of the time is still longer than u have left to live :P
KyloMeep When Fuzzlr says small changes he means like re making the whole spawn which will take another month
Wishingsstar When Fuzzlr says small changes he means like re making the whole spawn which will take another month~ @KyloMeepmore like 1 year
KyloMeep I've heard it's being released on November 24th.~ @Cookies713So as I stated another month then
chrisandmatthew Today, Onis said the spawn would be released around 3 AM EST on November 2nd, "no questions asked."
Splendy Today, Onis said the spawn would be released around 3 AM EST on November 2nd, "no questions asked."~ @chrisandmatthewAwwwww yizzz
Ranger0203 Today, Onis said the spawn would be released around 3 AM EST on November 2nd, "no questions asked."~ @chrisandmatthewYay that's midnight for me!!!! It's like New Years!!!!!
Wishingsstar Today, Onis said the spawn would be released around 3 AM EST on November 2nd, "no questions asked."~ @chrisandmatthewthen i get on at 5:14 am central and notice... the old spawn is still here!
superbros1211 I am ready! :D~ @Cyber_Punk_Are you ready for tonight, setting it on fire and we'll dance until we're dumb in the dark!Sorry I just love music.
Cyber_Punk_ Are you ready for tonight, setting it on fire and we'll dance until we're dumb in the dark!Sorry I just love music.~ @superbros1211you are too tired! go to bed! xD