Since hackers are an evolving race in the minecraft world and because we do not let other opinions in, I will tell you how to deal with hackers so you can better the community
Address them in chat
This will show the hacker that you have a brain and you know what hacks are. If they say you are a noob or you don't know what hacks are. Keep yelling at them that they are a hacker. They will run off sooner or later.
Use caps
Caps are there for a reason, so they must be used to defeat your enemy. Once they see that you have the bigger lettering, they will run off because of how intimidating your wording is. If they are not intimidating they are obviously blind, so you will need to yell at your computer screen until they leave
*Note* You can't have skype,mumble or ts3 opening or you will be brought down by the mafia
The staff mafia doesn't want you to use words but the reason for that is because they want to feel more intelligent that you. When you see a hacker, curse at it with a lot of words or even in a language other then English. When the hacker sees that there is a Spanish player cursing at them with words that they can't understand, they will leave because of how intelligent you are(Warning) The hacker could be the same language.
The Don't
Reporting on the forums
Reporting on the forums is a lie that only myself and a few other followers of the potato gods have found. We need to be independent and we can't rely on staff for every problem we have. Even if the server is getting Ddos it is better to handle it yourself
Contact a Staff member
The staff mafia is only out there to abuse people and apparently, abusing non-hackers is wrong to the eyes of the public. I do not see abusing any player is right by any means. We should do what all pre school kids do when they don't like someone and don't include them in our fun. Even if they are trying to hard just ignore them. They will run away to another server once they relies that they are not welcomed.
Staying calm
In old times, they believe that staying calm is the way to find any answer, but they still haven't found a way for eternal life. Because we live in a day that people need to get mad at video games, we now find it okay for someone to call another guy a lot of racist terms. So get mad in real life and tackle this problem head on.
*Side effects* Ear getting suck in door, swelling in knees, fist threw computer screen, hippo eating your dog, failing 14th grade, you thinking that there is a 3rd gender.
Last thing
Once you have mastered all of these steps you are ready to fight a hacker. There are side affect though. If you see a staff mafia member then you have to be quiet. Even if it is hard to watch seeing them abuse the hacker you have to stay quiet. Then when they leave you can go fight him. Now there is a price to all of this greatness. You will find that you will be forgetting your pants everywhere. If it is somewhere in the middle of Poland or America, it is not publicly right to no wear pants. If you start forgetting to wear underwear please talk to a doctor immediately.
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WoW sucks