Ok, so some of you know about @@Ducksfanwaterloo and him getting banned recently
(appeal: http://meepcraft.com/threads/ducksfanwaterloos-ban-appeal-not-again.33432)
For people that are good pvpers themselves, most of them can see that he's most likely a pro pvper, and not a hacker. So I decided to make this thread, and make a list with as many ways as possible to see who's a hacker and who's a pro. To prevent too many people getting an unfair ban.
How to spot a pro:
1. Look at where the player is aiming, if he's aiming low (torso and legs) it's most likely a pro. If he aims for the head it's most likely to be a hacker, since most hacks are designed to hit the head to get critical hits.
2. If there is a lot more knockback than it should be, look if there is any lag. Because if a server is lagging, you can deal 2-4 hits without the person receiving the knockback as normal, but all at once. The result can end in a non-enchanted sword knocking a person up to 15 blocks away.
3. Even if he's head suddenly turn, this is not really a sign of aimbot/force-field. Most of the good pvpers use a high sensitivity and therefore they can easily move 90 degrees (or more) instantly, it can also be because a lot of good pvpers play in third person.
4. If they turn at you instantly after you've hit them, it can be a good pvper that can see where you are based of what direction he's being pushed by the knockback.
5. If you're being hit, but he's just out of you're reach it can be two things that's happening. A. You're walking backwards, if you walk backwards you're reach is reduced by 1 block. B. Since most good pvpers have a high click-ratio, witch makes them hit you as soon as you're inside their reach, making it look like they have a longer reach than you.
How to spot a hacker:
1. If he aims at the head, and get lot's of hits in. It's more likely to be a hacker than a pro.
2. If the player instantly turns before you hit him, it's more likely to be a hacker.
3. If a player always hit the closest person or is changing aim (if he moves his head a lot in different directions to the closes person) for every time he hits. It's a hacker
4. If all players around him is hit simultaneously, it IS a hacker. (Note: This applies when 2 or 3 players+ gang up on him/her)
If you have any more, please post them bellow and I'll add them to the lists.