I just logged in - Went to my town, checked the /town and saw the bank had 0 meebles and there was a message telling me the following day it will be deleted. First of all, if I hadn't logged in this day, I wouldn't have the town, I'm just lucky I still had 22k in my balance cause I usually just put it all in the bank of the town. :/ second of all, I spent so much time to get the 300k to make the town and the 990k that was in the bank. I was really disappointed when I saw that all the money in my town was gone. I would really appreciate it if 990k of my town money was refunded as I spent a lot of time making it and I wouldn't want that to have been a waste ;/ I have been unbanned for around 18 days, made over 1.2mil, made a town and now the money and almost the town too has been taken from me ;/ I worked hard for this...
The town is called Redol, It was called Redoltown but I recently changed the name. I will give any other info that I can that's needed. Seriously I'm literally begging, I really want that money back please. ;/
-GowleeI just noticed the name of the town had been changed back to Redoltown even though before the 'Safe mode' in towny had occurred, I made the name Redol and that could be what somehow made it glitch out and make me lose my money. I don't really know. I just really want the refund ;/And I changed the name back to Redol but still all the money is gone ;s