chaos546 10/10 lol i liek it, i liek it alot~ @CyberneticToast0/10 hashtags are silly and you have that stealing soul link too ;-;sowwwy
chaos546 8/10 MUCH better than other one, just the text is still a bit hard to see :/gah I know isnt it bootiful i merged some paramore stuff.The bottom text is supposed to be dark xD
Iatemyfriends are you purposely posting more than once just to get more ratings.~ @iiTzJDLNew rule: minimum of 3 posts on this thread~ @iiTzJDLWell then...
Owen Powell 0/10 Because I have siggies turned off, so I can't see them unless I visit your profile page sorry! (I think signatures spam the forums)
Grandblue Why tf are you on this thread if you can't see signatures.~ @KlitchWhy the hell are you on these forums if you can't get on Meepcraft?2/10
iiTzJDL Why the hell are you on these forums if you can't get on Meepcraft?2/10Why the hell do you keep posting here
Klitch Jonneh, people like j00mad more than they like you.. And that's saying something because I hate j00mad. Go the hell away and cut it with the crapposting and bs that you give everyone.