chrisandmatthew 6/10Iron Man 3 wuz amazin~ @Toostenheimernu but i change back to old one fix pls5/10 michael bayEDIT:1/10 you stole my soul
SillySilver Silly u know ur missing Exclusive right?Otherwise, nice. :D8/10~ @mcjack454Nah I skipped Exclusive. I went Premium-Elite. :DOh my 9/10 Selfie with Diana. :o
Jaruv 3/10Just some words, and it makes you sound a bit to egocentric (I'm not the right person to complain about that)
chaos546 nu but i change back to old one fix pls5/10 michael bayEDIT:1/10 you stole my soul~ @chrisandmatthewHow dare you D:1000/999I You should see my TS Avatar :3~ @roboticboy165/10