Uiopy1's Towny Command Compendium!
Hey there! Uiopy1 here! Long ago, I went through and memorized all of the Towny Commands, so now I know all about Towny. This guide is to help you learn about the various commands of Towny. But first, some links.
Towny Command List: https://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/towny/wiki/Commands
theEditson's Guide to Towny Perms: http://meepcraft.com/threads/theeditsons-guide-to-towny-perms.690/
Please note that all commands can be found by doing /towny in the Towns World, and the different sections can be viewed by doing /towny ?, /nation ?, plot ?, /resident ?, /town ?, /townyadmin ?, and /townyworld ?.
Red commands mean that they are broken/currently disabled/not working on MeepCraft.
Table of Contents
1. Towny Chats
2. /Towny
3. /Nation
4. /Plot
5. /Resident
6. /Town
7. Permissions
8. /TownyAdmin
9. /TownyWorld
10. Conclusion
Now lets get to the commands. We'll start with the chats.
Towny Chats
/townchat [msg] or /tc [msg]
Sends a chat message to everyone online in your town.
/nationchat [msg] or /nc [msg]
Sends a chat message to everyone online in your nation.
/global [msg] or /g [msg]
Sends a message the same way as /shout.
Admin Chat
Moderator Chat
/channel [leave/join] [channel]
Joins a channel
/leave [channel]
Leaves a channel
/join [channel]
Join a channel
/chmute [channel] [player]
Mute a target player in a target channel.
/mutelist [channel]
Check the list of muted people in a certain channel.
/chunmute [channel] [player]
Unmute a target player in a target channel.
/Towny Commands
Most of the commands in /Towny are used for displaying General Towny Statistics.
Displays all of the Towny Commands.
/towny map
Shows the nearby Townblocks as well as whether they are claimed by you, your town, an ally, enemy, etc.
/towny prices
Shows the prices of making a town, making a nation, Towny Upkeep, etc.
/towny top
Displays the highscores of residents, towns, nations, etc. Has several sub-commands.
- /towny top residents [all/town/nation]- Shows the towns or nations (or both) with the most residents.
- /towny top land [all/resident/town]- Shows the residents or towns (or both) with the most claimed land.
/towny timeDisplays the time until the next tax day./towny spyAdmin command used to spy on all chat channels/towny treeShows basically the same as /towny universe, except it lists the residents, etc. For use only by console./towny universeDisplays all the stats of Towny, including the number of Towns, Nations, Residents, TownBlocks, etc.
/towny v or /towny version
Displays the Version of Towny currently used in MeepCraft.
/towny war
Shows the below sub-commands. Only works when nations are at war.- /towny war stats- Shows the stats of the current Towny War. Only works when nations are at war.
- /towny war scores- Shows the scores of the current Towny War. Only works when nations are at war.
/Nation Commands
The commands in /nation are used to display stats of your nation and that of other nations.
Aliases: /n, /nation./nation
Shows the stats of your nation. Won't work if your town doesn't belong to a nation.
/nation [nation]
Shows the stats of a target nation.
/nation list
Displays a list of all the nations in Towny.
/nation online
Shows everyone online in your nation. [I][I]Won't work if your town doesn't belong to a nation.[/I][/I][/I]
/nation deposit [$]
Deposits X meebles from your balance into your nation bank.
/nation leave
Leaves your current nation. Mayor-only command.
/nation new [name]
Creates a new nation with a target name. Won't work if you are already in a nation. Mayor-only command.
/nation king ?
Lists all the nation commands for kings.
/nation withdraw [$]
King command to withdraw X meebles from your nation bank to your account.
/nation add [town/town town]
Adds target town or towns to your nation. Assistant and King command only.
/nation kick [town/town town]
Kicks target town or towns from your nation.
/nation ally add/remove [nation/nation nation]
Adds or removes an ally or allies from your nation.
/nation enemy add/remove [nation/nation nation]
Adds or removes an enemy or enemies from your nation.
/nation set
Sets several nation options.
- /nation set king [resident]- Sets target resident as King of your nation. King only command.
- /nation set capital [town]- Makes target town the capital. Mayor becomes King. King only command.
- /nation set taxes [$]- Sets X meebles as tax for your town being in a nation. King only command.
- /nation set name [name]- Sets nation name. King only command
- /nation set [title/surname] [resident] [name]- Sets title to target resident. King only command.
- /nation set tag [upto4lettertag/clear]- Sets nation tag or clears it. King only command.
/nation toggle neutralSets whether your nation will pay daily to be neutral during Towny war. King only command./nation delete [nation]Admin command to delete a target nation.
/nation new [name] [capital]
Admin command to make a new nation with a target capital.
/Plot Commands
Plot commands are used to change the options on your plots.
Aliases: /plot.
Shows all the options you can change on plots.
/plot claim [rect/circle] [radius]
Resident command to claim an area for sale in their town. Must be standing on the plot.
/plot unclaim [rect/circle] [radius]
Resident command to unclaim an area and return it to the town for sale at $0 meebles. Must be standing on the plot.[/I]
/plot forsale [$] [rect/circle] [radius] or /plot fs [$] [rect/circle] [radius]
Set plot or area you own for sale (while standing on it) for a target price.
/plot notforsale [rect/circle] [radius] or /plot nfs [rect/circle] [radius]
Takes the plot or area you are standing on and makes it not for sale.
/plot perm
Shows the permissions of the plot you are currently standing on.
/plot set
Sets a plot to a special area.
- /plot set shop- Sets a plot to a shop type. Shop type plots can have chest shops on them.
- /plot set embassy- Sets a plot to an embassy type. Embassies are plots that can be claimed by other towns.
- /plot set arena- Sets a plot to an arena plot. Arenas are PvP plots for arenas to be built on.
- /plot set wilds- Sets a plot to a wilds plot. Wilds plots are plots that anyone can build/destroy on.
- /plot set reset- Resets any shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot to a regular plot.
/plot set permPlease see the Permissions Section of this guide.
/plot toggle [pvp/fire/explosion/mobs]
Toggles PvP, fire, explosions, or hostile mob spawning in the plot./plot clearRemoves all WALL_SIGNS and SIGN_POSTS on a plot.
/Resident Commands
/Resident commands are mainly used to edit a player's general permissions, as opposed to a specific plot.
Aliases: /resident, /res, /p, /player./resident
Shows your stats.
/resident [resident][/I][/I]
Shows a target player's stats.[/I]
/resident list
Lists active residents.
[I][I][I]/resident tax
Shows the tax you pay daily.
/resident toggle or /resident set mode[/I][/I]
Manages the /res modes.[/I]
- /resident set mode map- Turns on map which refreshes when moving across plot borders.
- /resident set mode townclaim- /town claim is automatically used when crossing plot borders.
- /resident set mode townunclaim- /town unclaim is automatically used when crossing plot borders.
- /resident set mode plotborder- Turns on smokey plot-border view when players cross townblocks.
- /resident set mode spy- Admins can turn on chat-channel spying.
- /resident set mode tc- Makes /tc your default channel.
- /resident set mode nc- Makes /nc your default channel.
- /resident set mode clear or /resident set mode reset- Clears all current modes you have turned on.
NOTE: Mutiple modes can be turned on simultaneously by doing EG: /resident set mode MODE1 MODE2/resident friend [add/remove] [resident]
Adds a friend to your friend list. Online match only.
/resident friend [add+/remove+] [resident]
Adds a friend to your friend list. Online and Offline match; name must be exact.
/resident set perm
See the Permissions Section of this guide.
/Town Commands
/Town Commands are mainly used for adjusting options pertaining to your town.
Aliases: /town, /t.
Shows your town's stats.
/town [town]
Shows a target town's stats.
/town here
Shows the stats of the town you are standing in.
/town leave
Leaves your current town.
/town list
Displays a list of all towns in Towny.
/town online
Shows you town members online.
/town new [name]
Creates new town with you as the mayor.
/town new [name] [mayor]
Admin command to make new town with target mayor.
/town add [resident/resident resident]
Invites player or players to your town.
/town kick [resident/resident resident]
Kicks player or players from your town.
/town spawn
Teleports you to your town's spawn.
/town spawn [town]
Teleports you to target town's spawn.
/town claim
Claims a Wilderness plot for your town. Plot must be attached to edge of town.
/town claim outpost
Claims a Wilderness plot for your town. Plot doesn't have to be attached to edge of town.
/town claim [radius]
Claims area of TownBlocks around you for your town.
/town claim auto
Claims as many TownBlocks around you is possible given money in Town Bank and available TownBlocks.
/town unclaim
Unclaims the TownBlock you are standing in and gives it back to the Wilderness.
/town unclaim all
Mayor command to unclaim all TownBlocks.
/town unclaim [radius]
Unclaims area of TownBlcoks around you.
/town withdraw [$]
Mayor command to remove X meebles from Town Bank.
/town deposit [$]
Deposits X meebles into your Town Bank from your account.
/town buy
Shows available bonus TownBlocks for sale.
/town buy bonus [amount]
Buys X amount of available bonus TownBlocks.
/town delete
Mayor command to delete your town
/town delete [town]
Admin command to delete target town
/town outpost [#]
Teleports to town outpost, and if multiple, provide the outpost's number.
/town ranklist
Displays residents and their ranks.
/town rank [add/remove] [resident] [assistant/VIP/co-mayor/recruiter]
Adds or removes a rank from a town member.
/town set
Shows all /town set sub-commands.
- /town set board- Sets message seen by residents of your town upon logging in to Towny.
- /town set mayor [resident]- Gives resident mayor status. Needless to say, mayor only command.
- /town set homeblock- Sets plot where your spawn will be.
- /town set spawn- Sets town spawn, must be inside homeblock.
- /town set name [name]- Sets town name.
- /town set outpost- Sets a TownBlock as an outpost.
- /town set perm- See the Permissions Section of this guide.
- /town set tag [[B][I]upto4lettertag/clear]- [/B]Sets town's tag or clears it. Mayor only command.[/I]
- /town set taxes [$]- Sets taxes. Also sets percentage if taxpercent is toggled on.
- /town set [plottax/shoptax/embassytax] [$]- Sets tax for plots, shops, and embassies.
- /town set [plotprice/shopprice/embassyprice] [$]- Sets prices of plots, shops, and embassies.
/town toggleDisplays the /town toggle sub-commands.- /town toggle explosion- Toggles explosions in the town.
- /town toggle pvp- Toggles town's PvP.
- /town toggle fire- Toggles firespread in the town.
- /town toggle mobs- Toggles hostile mob spawning in the town.
- /town toggle public- Toggles outsiders and allies from using /t spawn [yourtown].
- /town toggle taxpercent- Toggles taxing by percent/flatrate.
- /town toggle open- Toggles public joining to your town.
/town join [town]
Command to join a town that doesn't require invites.
Permissions are helpful tools that let you customize whether or not certain people can do certain things in certain places. This is my version of permissions in Towny. For a more professional perms guide, go to:
There are 3 different types of perms with mainly the same structure.
/res set perm [friend/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
/plot set perm [friend/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
/town set perm [resident/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
Some of the above can be left out of the command structure entirely. Examples:
/plot set perm switch on- This would make EVERYONE be able to switch on the plot.
/res set perm friend build on- This would make my friends be able to build on any plot I own.
/town set perm off- This turns all permissions in your town off.
/res set perm ally off- This would make allies not be able to do anything on any of my plots.[/I]
And of course, these:
/plot set perm reset
/res set perm reset
/town set perm reset
The above all reset all perms in specified perm area.
Once again, I highly recommend you visit [I]http://meepcraft.com/threads/theeditsons-guide-to-towny-perms.690/ for a MUCH more extensive permissions guide. This one here only covers the basic commands.
/TownyAdmin Commands
/TownyAdmin commands are for use only by Admins. So unless you are an Admin, skip ahead to the end.
Aliases: /TownyAdmin, /ta.
Pulls up the TownyAdmin Panel, which displays memory, threads. war status, health regen setting, etc.
/townyadmin delete [playername]
Deletes a player's data
/townyadmin town
Shows sub-commands for /townyadmin town[/I]
- /townyadmin town [town]- Admins can view towns through here.
- /townyadmin town [town] [add/remove] [resident/resident resident]- Admin command to add or remove target residents to target town.
- /townyadmin town [town] kick [resident]- Admin command to kick player from target town.
- /townyadmin town [town] rename [name]- Admin command to rename town.
- /townyadmin town [town] delete- Admin command to delete target town.
/townyadmin nationShows sub-commands for /townyadmin nation.- /townyadmin nation [nation] add [town]- Admin command to add a town to a nation.
- /townyadmin nation [nation] rename [name]- Admin command to rename a nation.
- /townyadmin nation [nation] delete- Admin command to delete a nation.
[I]/townyadmin reset
[I][I]It is not mentioned in the command list, but I would imagine it isn't good.[/I][/I]
/townyadmin toggle [war/neutral/npc/debug/devmode/withdraw]Toggles war, ability for nations to be neutral, npc on a player, debug mode, devmode, or withdraw mode.
/townyadmin setShows /townyadmin set sub-commands.[/I]
- /townyadmin set mayor [town] [mayor]- Allows Admin to set mayor of target town.
- /townyadmin set mayor [town] NPC- Sets town mayor as an NPC.
/townyadmin givebonus [town/player] [#]
Gives plot bonuses to a certain player or town.
/townyadmin reload
Reloads Towny's config.
/townyadmin backup
Creates a backup.
/townyadmin newday
Runs the new day code.
/townyadmin unclaim [radius]
Admin command to unclaim an area.
/townyadmin purge [#ofdays]
Deletes old residents after X days.
/TownyWorld Commands/TownyWorld commands are for changing the settings of the different Towny Worlds. Many of them are intended for those with OP, so please skip ahead.
Aliases: /TownyWorld, /tw.
Shows the world settings of the world you are currently standing in.
/townyworld list
Lists worlds.
/townyworld toggle
Displays the /townyworld toggle sub-commands.
- /townyworld toggle claimable- Toggles whether TownBlocks are claimable or not.
- /townyworld toggle usingtowny- Toggles the use of Towny in the world.
- /townyworld toggle PvP- Toggles PvP in the world.
- /townyworld toggle forcePvP- Toggles whether PvP is forced on all towns in the world.
- /townyworld toggle explosion- Toggles explosions in the world.
- /townyworld toggle forceexplosion- Force explosions on in the world.
- /townyworld toggle fire- Toggles firespread in the world.
- /townyworld toggle townmobs- Toggles hostile mob spawning in towns in the world.
- /townyworld toggle worldmobs- Toggles the mobs listed in the world mobs in the world.
- /townyworld toggle revertunclaim- Toggles to revert on unclaim feature for the world.
- /townyworld toggle revertexpl- Toggles the reverting explosions in the wild for the world.
/townyworld setDisplays the /townyworld set sub-commands.- /townyworld set wildname [name]- Sets name of Wilderness.
- /townyworld set wildperm [perm/perm perm]- Deprecated.
- /townyworld set wildignore [perm/perm perm]- Deprecated.
- /townyworld set usedefault- Deprecated.
/townyworld regenRegenerates the MC chunk [I]in which you were standing in back to the seed.[/I]
/townyworld undoUndoes /townyworld regen.
Well, that concludes my Ultimate Guide to Towny Commands. Hope you enjoyed it! Leave your comments below and be sure to like this post! Thanks for reading! I will be updating it frequently when new updates and such come out.