/give is a very powerful command. For those of you that like to mess around with it, or those of you that don't know how, I'll make a simple-ish guide too all the many things you can create with this command.
Command format: /give {NBT tags}
First things first, the target. You can use a player name, or one of three selectors: @p, @a, @r.
@p targets the nearest player, which will always be the executor if done by a player.
@a targets all players online.
@r targets a random player online.
The item. If you don't mess around with the 1.8 snapshots, which you totally should, this is a number. The ID list is too long to put here, so... http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Data_values
If you do mess around with the 1.8 snapshots, this won't work for you. Use the actual name of the item (i.e. diamond_sword) instead.
The amount is self-explanatory.
The extra info. Type /iteminfo while on Meep. It will give you a number like 95:13. The number on the right of the colon is the extra info, it determines certain properties of the item. For stained glass, it determines the color. For tools, it determines the durability that has been used. These can also be found on the data values page I mentioned above.
Now for the NBT tags. This is the interesting part. There are tons of NBT tags to use, and I suggest using the snapshots to make the most of them. If you really want to get into these, I highly recommend using command blocks, which can be obtained via /give ;)
Note: These are case-sensitive.
I'll start simple. {display:{}}. display is used to name items and give them lore, which is displayed under the name like enchantments. It can also be used to color leather armor, which is fantastic for team-based minigames.
{display:{Name:"name",color:,Lore:["Line 1","Line 2"...]}}
For instance, if you want a piece of black leather armor named Ninja Suit with For ninjas only written under it, the tag would be {display:{Name:"Ninja Suit",color:0,Lore:["For ninjas only"]}}.
The color is a hex value (i.e. #33FF33), but converted to decimal. You can convert it here: http://www.statman.info/conversions/hexadecimal.html
One of my personal favorites is the {ench:[]} tag. This allows you to enchant your armor right off the bat. There is a /enchant command, but it's not too useful.
The id: tag requires the enchantment ID, which can be found here: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Enchanting#Enchantments
The lvl: tag determines the enchantment level. What's so awesome about this is that you can set enchantment levels higher than normally possible AND apply enchantments to non-tools. The maximum enchantment level for anything is 32,767. I'm sure @@btilm305 can explain why this is better than I can if you reeeeaaaaally want to know why :P
Then there is the {AttributeModifiers:[]} tag. This, well, modifes attributes of mobs and items. It's a bit more complicated than the other two I've talked about so far. I won't go into all the attributes you can change or add, mainly because I don't know them so we'll resort to Minecraft Wiki once again. http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Attribute
Finally, but only finally if you don't use the snapshots, there is the {Unbreakable:} tag. This is the simplest of all, and can only be applied to tools. {Unbreakable:1} makes the tool never use durability, ever.
In the 1.8 snapshots, there have been three new NBT tags introduced.
{CanDestroy:["block","block"...]}. This tag does exactly what you might think. It whitelists certain blocks, and the item/tool it is applied to can only destroy those blocks. This can be applied to anything. It uses the block names, not ID numbers. This tag only applies when in Adventure Mode.
{CanPlaceOn:["block","block"...]} Similar to CanDestroy, this tag affects blocks. It whitelists certain blocks, and the block it is applied to can only be placed on those blocks. This tag can only be applied to place-able blocks. It uses the block names, not numbers. This tag only applies when in Adventure Mode.
FINALLY, as of 14w34b, the last tag is the {HideFlags:} tag. This tag, when applied, hides the specified data in the item info bar.
HideFlags:1 hides the enchantments of an item.
2 hides the attributes.
4 hides the Unbreakable tag.
8 hides the CanDestroy tag.
16 hides the CanPlaceOn tag.
32 hides tags not mentioned, such as potion effects.
If you want to hide multiple tags, add the numbers together. (i.e. 5 hides Unbreakable and enchantments)
If you read this whole thing, good for you! You deserve a cookie.
I'm sure I've missed a couple things, tell me below if I have ;)