blow_rubberduck Tired of scrolling all the way up the screen when at the bottom? Click tab and you go straight to the top! ba bye
blow_rubberduck The thing at the top left corner and down 1 key. (under escape and on the left of Q and on top of Caps lock.
BlackJack Tired of scrolling all the way up the screen when at the bottom? Click tab and you go straight to the top! ba bye~ @blow_rubberduckI like how this doesn't work, and is useless, like most "Life hacks".
blow_rubberduck I like how this doesn't work, and is useless, like most "Life hacks".~ @BlackJackIt works atleast for me.
RaidByNightOnly I like how this doesn't work, and is useless, like most "Life hacks".~ @BlackJackIt works ;D
Muunkee I like how this doesn't work, and is useless, like most "Life hacks".~ @BlackJackWorks for me, although I normally use the 'top' button on the very bottom of the page.
blow_rubberduck Works for me, although I normally use the 'top' button on the very bottom of the page.Okee.
BlackJack It works ;D~ @RaidByNightOnlyWorks for me, although I normally use the 'top' button on the very bottom of the page.Very inconsistently for me. But to each his own.