If you're having trouble making your application, then here are some ideas that you should take into consideration.
>Make it Lengthy- Staff members love reading applications that you have invested your time into
>Use colorful words- Big fancy words like, Jubilant, ecstatic, and facetious, will impress staff and it shows them that you are mature and knowledgeable.
>Give compliments to the server and existing staff- Everyone loves to be flattered and complimented.
>Give examples- Show the staff that you know what you are talking about.
>Make it unique- The staff gets bored ready the same thing every time someone posts an application. Show your uniqueness and spice it up a bit. Put your own special touch into your application.
>Be upbeat and excited- Show the staff the you are ready to take on the challenge of being staff. Show them that you are excited to get started and that you want to be their.
All of these examples on how to write a good application will not only impress the staff, but will increase your chances of getting staff. I look forward to seeing how you put this helpful advice to use.