nhjed Youre the last person who should talk about sucking at league.Playing league with me.Duping.Being in Oldies~ @XxNine_TailsxXScrubGot his username from a Pokemon *rolls eyes*Has horrible LoL duo partnersStill plays on this server
chirp1234 Spamming my SkypeSucking at League of LegendsNot knowing how to download mods~ @nhjedNever answering SkypeIs jelly that I'm pro at League and that I have to carry himEr k
Bob4444444 Never answering SkypeIs jelly that I'm pro at League and that I have to carry himEr k~ @chirp1234For being a nubFor planning weddingsK.
Bob4444444 For being a nubFor complaining that his rank doesn't work (luv u)For being an ex-staff member
RossCoombs for being fetch, like who doesn't know fetch (ME?)EDIT: OH IT'S MEANT TO BE BOBUHI KNOW BOB FOR 4
Drag0nSw0rd1 For being a bigger nub then chirp and being a good staff member~ @fetch3000rulesFor being a great staff member, for being famous, and for playing Magic :D
Skaros123 for being fetch, like who doesn't know fetch (ME?)EDIT: OH IT'S MEANT TO BE BOBUHI KNOW BOB FOR 4~ @RossCoombsBeing a rodd