MichaelD300 Fuzzlr something is seriously wrong. I last logged off in TNTrun about 2 days ago. Since then, whenever I tried to log in, I was falling in a black hole. Please help D:
BeatMeep We have completed a new minigame called TNT Run! In this game, players run from blocks that are disappearing behind them. There are interesting power-ups that are distributed through each level in the arena. Don't fall into the void!Players can earn Meebles by catching power-ups in the game, and 900 Meebles instantly by being the last player standing in the arena. More improvements to this minigame are coming soon!~ @Fuzzlrhow do you play were is the IP
NicholasMeep I have played Tntrun multiple times and I consider it a fun activity to play. Its probably one of Meepcrafts most popular games. It is similar to the MC game "Tron". I recommend that everybody should play it. All that matters is that you have fun. Moving on to the next topic. In Tntrun there are different powerups and debuffs. The debuffs make your character have more chance of falling to the bottom level. The powerups give you advantages ingame and they are useful in certain periods. So far we have included Powerups: Enderpearl (teleport) Gold ingot (10 meebles) diamond boots/iron boots (speed/jump boost) Please remind me if there are additional powerups. Debuffs: Rotten flesh (that odd sensation when your about to puke) Coal (Blindness). When you get power ups you earn meebles. When you win a game you earn abaout 25 meebles. You also get money for JUST PLAYING! Done with powerups and powerdown info. Moving on. (topic: objective). There are certain objectives in all MC games. The objective in this game is simple-you run around... well theres more to that. The benefit of running around is that the trail behind you disapears leaving holes in the ground so your oponents can fall to the lower levels. If you fall at the bottom level you will be eliminated and get teleported back into the Tntrun lobby. Hopefully this will support some players that have no idea how to play and what to do. :p
NicholasMeep how do you play were is the IP~ @BeatMeepYou should know what the IP address is. Its "Meepcraft.com". :confused:
Ugleh how do i start playing please some one help me !?~ @keemome 2~ @keemoYou can use the warp which is /warp tntrunOnce inside there will be a 4 hallways. 1 of those hallways leads to the exit, the other 3 are arena signs.
KawaiiTenshi Perhaps it's just my computer but I lag so badly each time I play that I seem to always be eliminated within the first few seconds. Otherwise it really does seem fun.
almostlegomaster It ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)