Lol, I found an old copy of this. All respect goes to NoobPaTroll/IKillNoobsHard, the original creator of this thread.
(Note; this copy of the thread may not be 100 percent accurate, a few small parts were deleted accidentally so I had to improvise :(.)
(Note; this is not a hateful thread or an attempt to mock the rules, for the newer members who have never seen it before.)
Step 1: Hack.
Hacking is the easiest way to get banned. Whether you are using a hacked client, exploiting a glitch, or crashing the server, this is the number one way to find yourself whacked by the ban hammer.
Step 2: Grief.
What? Hacking not getting you banned? Try griefing. Griefing is a fun way to induce hatred as well as get yourself banned. There are so many ways to grief, steal, and enrage a player, so this method is enjoyable and profiting, if you count getting banned as profitable.
Step 3: Ask for OP/Creative.
Oh yes, we TOTALLY believe you're from Planet Minecraft. However, our keystrokes are more likely going to be /ban instead of /op. Or, you can be dumb and simply ask outright, "Can I have op? Plzplzplzplz I won't grief." The answer will be /ban.
Step 4: Swear.
Swearing is a surefire way to get yourself on the path to a bad reputation. This includes but is not limited to: "Omg, your mother can suck my ****.", or "Hey dude you're so ***." Treat this like Call Of Duty. Let your colorful language run wild. Side effects of swearing include extreme butthurt, and/or banning.
Step 5: Inappropriate Buildings.
Dude, you should totaly build that giant male genitalia right in front of spawn. You won't get banned, I promise.
Step 6: Advertising.
Want to show off your server to the world? What better place to invite people then MeepCraft? Of course, a few hundred players may see, and maybe a few staff members. No big deal.
Step 7: Inappropriate Skins.
That nude guy skin is so hot... Totally want to use it...
Step 8: Spam.
Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg. Spamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspam.
Step 9: Alternate Accounts.
Dude, go on your brother's account to player, They won't EVER know it's you.
Step 10: Inappropriate Content.
Ask other players to have intercourse with you. Describe yourself in detail. Post revealing pictures. A few players may like, staff will not.
Step 11: Encouraging Others.
Get your friends banned along with you! It's an enjoyable bonding experience.
Step 12: Scam.
People love to receive imaginary efficiency IV pickaxes all the time! Make sure to add in it's silk touch or something.
Step 13: Skype.
Make sure to break all the rules when talking on Skype. There is a 66.6% chance of you getting banned. If you are a staff member, you may have to be demerited first. Don't let that deter you, just keep on going!
Step 14: Questions.
Make sure your questions and opinions regarding the server are negative. There is a 99.9% chance you will get banned if you do it repeatedly.
Step 15: Destruction of Spawn.
Rosenow only, spawning a giant lava cube is the best way to go!
Step 16: Ask.
When all else fails, the only thing you may be able to do is ask to be banned. The staff will be happy to oblige.
Step 17: Give CrueltyGaming Advice.