Welcome to the first of MeepUpdates, a series of informative weekly posts that will be here for times to come! I noticed many cries for a more transparent staff, and I've received approval and support to release this to you! These will be released weekly, every Monday. Thank you for reading!
-Redefining Rulebook to redefine punishments, patch up loopholes, and place in new rules for changing times.
-Fixed Terrarium Regions
-Added CTF
-Finished internal Staff Guides
-Preparing material for public staff guides
-Danielrulesman added to Helper position
-Sjoeppappentrap added to Helper position
-IFartOnChilren added to Helper position
-ReadingRockstar added to Helper position
-LR_Davius added to Helper position
-Castroifyer added to Moderator position
-The_Squirrelman added to Moderator position