I'm only on 6 lists ;-; lik dis if u cri evrtim
1. chrisandmatthew that skr0b
2. Oniz
3. Skaros
4. Rosenow
5. Killeryi skr0b
6. flamedemond
7. flamedemond2
8. fangdragon (conveniently placed after the Flamedemond's ;))
9. Oroperion
10. ohyeah95207
11. Kazarkas
12. Valensiakol
13. Bob74
14. BobJonCreeper
15. Xehy skr0b
16. j00mad pls
17. mykul baye
18. DancingCactus
19. Teliskrub
20. Meaghan
21. 9 + 10
22. Fuzzlr
23. CG
24. Miro skr0b
25. Sirrr_Pig
26. Sirrr_Obama
27. Sirrr_Cow
28. Sirrr_Sheep
29. Sirrr_Piglet
30. VKL_FastForWardzz
31. K9_Caper
32. Qooy
33. umm creepersrok1474
34. Nick_Foles
35. That guy that just has numbers in his name
36. Akira
37. Jamiie
38. ohDraqq
39. iiTzJDL
40. Devilspawn
41. Diana
42. the meaning of life
43. wonton (MattIsAPerson)
44. _ImaCutYou
45. PuckMiner
46. Shain
47. Hornemans
48. Deinen0
49. rubentheebe
50. Togsthewolfgirl
51. gooboyshitstevie
52. cpuHacka101
52. iiWars
53. ken doll
54. CrohnZero
55. Slicks
56. Sjoeppappentrap
57. mrli
58. ccmli
59. MarshallMafers
60. Scrub_Silencer
61. kdo u ok pup pup?
62. Castroifyer
63. Landon
64. zer0 bby
65. Zachpwnr
66. rubentheebe
67. nasapc
68. that alt that Miro had that was like "Fooslr" or something
69. huehuehue
70. munkeehed
71. Hollyleaf
72. Sarahdisme
73. Uriraken or however u spell it
74. BirdValve
75. Cooley
76. mewlynn
77. puppychuppy
78. puppy25
79. PhoenixPuppy
80. lysseal
81. LexKristen
82. MeGustaYou
83. bluapol
84. nerf958
85. 417Mario
86. 417Luigi
87. Qwikin
88. pointfit
89. doomrunner
90. Sarge
91. Wubb8t
92. Asnub
93. Rusian_pedobear with the caps in different places n stuff
94. Andrew
95. Devilspawn
96. Boobear
97. batmansss
98. Spider
99. Woodchip
100. GummiBirr