Ninja_of_Tempest Epic~ @paint_pieEpic if it were to be added, but like most updates, going to be a looooooooooooooooong time until it's added
paint_pie Epic if it were to be added, but like most updates, going to be a looooooooooooooooong time until it's added~ @Ninja_of_TempestOk then be paaaaaaaatient
paint_pie I was patient two months ago :)~ @Ninja_of_TempestThen continue to be paaaaaaaaaaaaaaatient
FunLies7 Are you a Parkour Master? :couchpotato: Then you will love this update!The Meep Parkour Update adds a new checkpoint system to the game. Stand on a coal block to get your checkpoint saved. Rewards will also be given through coal blocks. Jump through the portal at the beginning of the course to warp back to your last checkpoint.This new update eliminates the need to /sethome at checkpoints. It prevents users from cheating using preset /sethomes. It also will allow you to immediately redo the parkour once you have completed it, which means rewards may have to be lowered slightly to accommodate for Parkour Masters!Check out CrohnZero's City Parkour video. You can submit your own videos in the media tab!~ @FuzzlrCOOL!!!LOLThen continue to be paaaaaaaaaaaaaaatient~ @paint_pie looool:headphone:
417Mario I WAS going to rsvp.... i discovered this late.Well i SUCK at parkour! D: That's too bad for me.
builderjunkie012 Well I have not seen any coal blocks yet and I'm awesome at parkour so idk~ @417LuigiIve seen coal blocks but not in parkour
BaM_Nitro Oh wow. Well, this explains why my video has been getting more views.~ @CrohnZerololKewl.~ @Uiopy1how did u get those?