This guide was designed by me, 7acespade, to commemorate the awesome addition of Custom Biomes! This guide will be filled to the brim with structure data, where it can be found, and loot that can be found inside! Lets get started!
Section I: Man Made Creations
Lets talk about the people who made these first.
About 1000-2000 years ago, Meepcraft was inhabited by bird-like people. lived far apart from each other, and were very religious, always building statues and temples to please their gods. Their reign ended from an unexpected reason, probably because of a huge drought.
This photo probably depicts a statue of a king. He also owns a tail.
1. Houses
Houses are uncommon structures found in the wild. They were built using a variety of stones, such as stonebrick, stone, and cobblestone. Almost all houses have furniture inside, including a cauldron, a brewing stand, a bed. It also consists of a "secret basement" always appearing under the bed.
A typical ancient house.
2. Wells
Wells are common structures found in the wild. They are built of stonebrick, and circle stonebrick. Inside the well, Lapis Blocks and Glowstone can be found.
An untouched well.
Lapis Blocks and Glowstone appearing in the well.
3. Altar
An unidentified object, altars consist of 4 dispensers, all empty, along with circle stonebrick.
A common Altar.
4. Stone Heads
Stone heads are common structures found mostly in swamp biomes. They consist of various stones, and a block of glowstone hiding in the middle. They share a striking resemblance to Olmec Stone Heads
A stone head.
5. Temples
Temples are the most intricate creation of the ancient people. They are relatively hard to find, but offers terrific rewards. There are 2 forms of these, Small Temples, and Huge Temples. All temples have intricate redstone systems, that can open secret doors. Be sure to explore the whole dungeon before leaving.
A sample of a small temple
A large temple.
Common Rewards found in Small temples.
1. Towers
Towers are a great way to earn money, they are common structures that contain 3,600 worth of gold blocks. Not many people know this.
A temple found in the wild
But whats so special about it?
There we go!
Platforms are simply a structure made out of various stones, obsidian, and a Iron Block.
A platform
A unidentified object with nothing special about it. Its extremely rare.