I am infuriated I did not do anything wrong... then the glitch in sky block today. i was doing trading with my villagers on my island i had my god set on along with all of my tools that are in my posting to sell them for three million. I also had a stack of emeralds on me and a effency v diamond shovel not god but almost. (i was trying to make it god) and some paper and glass because i was trading with my villagers. However i do not have a screenshot of me wearing this. You can see my death records and that i did do /is h to get back to the top of my island. When i did i was teleported to the middle of nowhere with a wiped inventory. i am very very angry that this happened. also my death records will prove that i had not died in sky block since late last month. There are many witnesses that i had this armor including: hforn, lilazinboi, creeper death, robot, and many others. this proves that i had had it at one point. Also you might think that i somehow planned this and set up a alt account to take the armor while i faked this. NO i did not i do not even have a alternate account this can be proved through ip address checks. Last but not least there is no god armor on my island at all and this can be inspected and proven by a mod. I did not do anything to deceive anyone about this i lost my god armor and i need to get it back. Also horn can prove that the enchantments on the armor are true i showed him all of my armor and tools. I will post the enchantments and a list of what i had in the next post.includes
Dia helm- Un-breaking 3, respiration 3 aqua affinity 1 and protection 4
Dia chest- Un-breaking 3, protection 4, thorns 3
Dia leggings- Un-breaking 3, protection 4
Dia boots- Un-breaking 3, protection 4, feather falling 4
Dia sword- sharp 5, knock-back 2, fire aspect 2, un-breaking 3, looting 3
Dia pickaxe- efficiency 5, un-breaking 3, silk-touch 1
Dia pickaxe- efficiency 5, un-breaking 3, fortune 3
Dia axe- efficiency 5, sharp 5, silk-touch 1, un-breaking 3
Bow- power 5, punch 2, infinity 1, flame 1, un-breaking 3
dia shovel- effency 5
stack of emeralds
36 glass
and a half a stack of paper.
Also something i did not mention in my last post you can prove that i did do /is h by checking the records.