Did I get you?
This thread is an unofficial guide on becoming ready to apply for helper, and whether you are ready or not.
If you catch yourself thinking "Am I ready to become helper?", or "Should I apply to become helper?"... just stop there. Let me be the first to tell you, you're not ready. You need to be confident in your skills, and your possible ability to moderate this sever. However, their is a difference between confident, over confident, and arrogance.
Here is a prime example of arrogance/over confidence (I'm sorry if you take offence to me using you as an example L33t_H4wk)
May I please disregard everything you say mrli1, because I don't really care what you think, I know I am good enough to be a helper, besides, its an admins decision, not yours.
~ @l33t_h4wk
If you say something like this on your application... you're not ready to be a helper, and 99.9% of the time your application is going to be denied.
Just FYI, never... ever... make a thread asking "Should I apply for helper". If you would like to find out what you could do to better yourself, ask your friends, or even the community what you could work on. Don't say "Hey broskie! How you doin'? What do you think I could do to improve my chances of being a mod?", or "What could I do to better myself for a moderator position?". Just keep it simple "What are some of my flaws you guys think I could work on?", make sure if you do this that you are ready to hear some cold hard truth, and be willing to accept it.
Ok, so lets get into the application process.
Throughout your entire application you need to keep it formal... correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Common things that I see are: "plz", "thx", "I like 2" or "I did this 4", and faces like XD :) :p ect... I really prefer not to see faces in your applications. I also like to see applicants refrain from using words like "help", "helping", and "helpful". I see too many applications filled with these words. "I like to help people, by helping, because I am helpful", while no one really says it like that example... that's basically their application in a nutshell. Their used to be a rule (one that I wish was still here) stating that you are not allowed to use: help, helpful, and helping. Also... do NOT put polls on your application.
Also refrain from over using/using out of context words like "Like", like I know you all like to use the word "like", but like seriously it like fills the entire application up with like... "like". It is like.. really annoying.
See what I did there? :p
Now, be sure you are filling your application up with good information. Don't put in mumbojumbo about the magical purple flying monkey ninjas of doom that tried to kill you that one time. Keep it all relevant to Meepcraft and moderation. Also do not make promises you cannot keep like "I will stahp all teh greifers!"
"Hello friends! My name is Madison or June, call me whatever you prefer. I spend a lot of my time here on Meepcraft and enjoy it as well. Other than being on the computer I like to go snowboarding and play guitar. I have been doing both of those things for a very long time and hope to improve my skills even more. I try to expose myself to lots of different activities. Knowing how to do a variety of things lets you be smarter and a more well-rounded person. Along with computers, although I’m not that good at it, I like to design little websites with fun buttons and colors. I’m trying to learn more languages but it’s a pain. Learning Java has definitely helped me understand Minecraft and the server a lot more." -June lawnchaired
Now, this is a perfect example of this topic. Though Madison talked about snowboarding and guitar playing, she kept it relevant. How? One may ask. She went on to describe her drive to better the skills she already has, and her drive to learn new things. This is completely relevant to becoming a moderator, if you wish to become a moderator you need to be willing to learn new things and improve on what you may already know, some of which may include: people skills, typing, spelling, grammar, punctuation (So you can continue to communicate with the community), moderator commands, rules, ban lengths, and the list goes on and on.
If you have past experience moderating servers that is a good addition, though again you want to keep it relevant to Meepcraft, and you don't want to advertise.
Bad example: I haz been Adzmin on 24 PMC servers and I is gud at moderwaitor commandz, one of teh servers I has been staff on iz prettykittycatMC.cat. (Not a real server as I am sure you can tell)
Again I am going to quote Madison here:
"I’ve been playing on Meepcraft technically since April. I came on the server and left within minutes because there were far too many people. The spam was too much for me seeing that I was used to co-owning a server that had 30 people max."[I]-Junelawnchaired[/I]
Once again she kept this very relevant while explaining two vital things. One is how long she has been playing, and the other is past experience. She didn't advertise, and kept it very relevant. (Kudos on such a grate application Junelawncharied, I hope you don't mind if I use these bits and pieces)
A few other things you should talk about is your work ethic, dedication, why they should specifically pick you over other applicants (don't say "cause I am better"), tell us what makes you unique and different. I also strongly believe in making your application two weeks in advance, peer editing it, and looking at it once a day to work out kinks and make it better. Remember to follow the format, and the forum rules while applying. Be sure you accept criticism very well, expect bad replies, and be creative!
People like to see long applications, though I disagree... if you make it too long you will start to repeat yourself and talk about jibberjabber. Kept it short (but not too short) and to the point, be direct.
EDIT: One last thing... don't make your application boring, people wont want to read it. Make it interesting, give it a good title, and start out by drawing your readers in.
(Application break down, introduction.)
Quite obviously the Introduction of the application is for you to introduce yourself, and more importantly this is your best time to be creative. Most people start out by saying "Hello, my name is blah or you can call me blah, I joined Meep on blah date." I challenge you to do different. It gets old and boring to see the same thing over and over, you need your application to be different and stand out over the rest. Again you need to draw you readers in, and make them want to read it.
I will be making an introduction for myself as if I were applying for moderator. Keep in mind that if I were to be applying I would have made this two weeks before hand, and would be able to work out any kinks or add anything I would need.
Introduction: Almost two years ago on a Minecraft server quite like this, an ancient creature named the "PhoenixPuppy" (also known as Richard) suddenly appeared in its spawn. The PhoenixPuppy eventually got to know the people and laws of the kingdom known as Meepcraft. Soon after, the PhoenixPuppy was granted the title of "Moderator", and would eventually stand at the right hand of the all mighty creator, fuzzlr. PhoenixPuppy guarded the great kingdom for many seasons; however like all who came before him he had his time, and needed to leave. Though before he left, he vowed that one day he would return, and guard the kingdom once again... then he burst into flames and turned to dust in the wind.
Breaking it down:
Introduction: Almost two years ago (This is me stating when I joined, though I am unsure of the exact date) on a Minecraft server quite like this, an ancient creature named the "PhoenixPuppy" (also known as Richard) (Explaining who I am) suddenly appeared in its spawn. The PhoenixPuppy eventually got to know the people and laws of the kingdom known as Meepcraft. Soon after, the PhoenixPuppy was granted the title of "Moderator" (The more important past experience), and would eventually stand at the right hand (This was to show the rank I eventually gained) of the all mighty creator, fuzzlr. PhoenixPuppy guarded the great kingdom for many seasons; however like all who came before him he had his time, and needed to leave (This was to show that I resigned, and was not demoted). Though before he left, he vowed that one day he would return, and guard the kingdom once again (This is just pretty much saying I am here to apply for moderator again)... then he burst into flames and turned to dust in the wind.
Sorry if this isn't the best, I thought it was a pretty creative idea, though it has been forever since I have had to do one of these. :p
(Why should you be helper/mod)
The "Why should you be helper/mod" portion of the application is your time to shine. This is where you explain and tell us your best qualities. This is where you will get your chance to tell us what is so great about you, what would make you a good helper, why we should pick you, and more importantly why we should pick you over other applicants.
(Examples of skills, you shouldn't just copy these and say I am good at them, you need to be honest)
-Ability to communicate with the community, younger and older.
-Understanding of the commands
-Ability to work in a team environment
-Having the ability to remain non-bias
And the list goes on and on, anything that you think is relevant, put it down.
WHAT MAKES YOU STICK OUT? I cannot stress the importance of this statement. You need to make people look at your application and say "Wow! Now this is a guy I would like to moderate this server." In the application process "Okay" isn't good enough, you need to be outstanding. Again you need to be confident (Not over confident though) with your abilities, you need to appeal to the player base... but more importantly you need to appeal to yourself.
I've had a few people message me about their applications, they've asked me "Is this good?", "What do you think I need to fix?". I am all for peer editing, and I am very glad these guys have messaged me about this applications (Sorry if I haven't been as much help as you may have hoped, I've been quite busy), though in the end it is their decision to post it. You guys need to have your application appeal to yourself most of all, not just to me, or bobthebuilder. You need to look at this application and say "I love it". Once you are confident in your application, then you are ready to post it.
Most importantly, you need to be honest with us and yourself. You need to be 100% honest on your application, and you need to seem believable.
[B]Application breakdown: Weaknesses
4/11/14 1/11/15
So this is a bit late... just by a few days you know.
So lets get into the weakness then, shall we?
Weaknesses is a very important part of your application, as with any part it can make or break it. You need to spend a lot of time, and thought into the weakness portion. Ask yourself the obvious question "What are my weaknesses?". Don't just look at another application and say well uhm I think maybe it could be maturity, just think long and hard... everyone has a big weakness.
This would be my weakness portion if I were to apply:
One of my biggest weaknesses is my tendency to blow things out of proportion. Ever so often I may see a post, thread, ban appeal, ban, kick, or just little things especially within the staff team I will dislike. As you all know from my infamous rant threads. Most people view them as little things, for me it's not like that. This is not just a problem I can just say "stop", however it is something I can keep under control or to myself as a staff member. I know how and when I need to set the example as a staff member.
The weakness do not stop there... I have a fairly bad memory. Never could figure out why, been like that these past 5ish years. I can be sweeping a floor and use the restroom, and next you know I am mopping the floor and the broom is still where I left it. I know lots of people have bad memories, however this can be worse than some others I have seen. However if I am able to be set on one task I can stick with it until the end. That is also a good reason why we do modreqs and such one at a time. Again, it's not something that I can just say "im working on it", however I can promise that if I notice it beginning to largely effect to moderate, I will resign my position.
What I personally like to see:
At least two of them
in my opinion five or six would be a bit much.
Roughly the same length I have above for each.
At the end of each one, put what you are doing to fix the issue. Or what you can do about the issue to keep it under control.
Dont just say I can be immature because (X) some times.
Anways, that's about it for tonight. Have a good night everyone, hope you enjoy.[/B]
I will try to add to this at least every other day, hopefully I can continue to add a lot of tips here. I will (If I find time/remember) be editing and working on this tomorrow to add some extra tips, I'll be sure to bump it when I'm done each day. If you guys have any questions, or suggestions for topics for me to talk about please feel free to post them, and I will make a "Coming soon" list.
Have a great day guys :)
Coming soon:
Application break down.
-Why you should be Helper/Mod
In game actions
When should you apply
When you shouldn't apply