Rules of thumb if you are buying with in-game money
- Never buy from a rank lower than Supreme
- Never accept free ranks from people you don't trust
- Never pay less than the standard (For example, currently it's 500/$10)
- Never buy from a player who more than 3 well-known players don't know
- Never forget to take pictures using F2 of the whole ordeal
- Never leave less than 500k in your balance after the transaction (this is to cover the charge-back fee, should it come to that.)
If you are charged-back, there is a $20 unban fee to repay the server for a charge that paypal induces upon the server as a result of a person taking their money back from the server.
I highly advise you always keep 500k in your account after the money for the transaction is taken. This is to possibly repay a player who may pay your charge-back fee for you. As a past charge-backee, I do not want to see you get banned so
please use your best judgement and follow the above guidelines and your instincts.