The new MeepShop was recently added and it is completely different to the old one so I decided to make a guide. It has instant sales, meaning you don't have to wait for people to buy your item. To replicate demand, the price of items will change, going up when buying and going down when selling.
#1 The basics:
/price [item] or /find [item] - tells you the price of an item.
/buy [amount] [item] - buys the items stated, at the price stated on /price, and the amount it buys is the amount specified.
/sell [amount] [item] - sells the items stated, at just under the price stated on /price (read section 3), and the amount it sells is the amount specified.
/sellhand - sells the items in your hand at that time, and it displays what you sold, so it can be used to discover what a certain item is called on the shop.
#2 Item names:
Item names have changed slightly from the old shop so be carful.
- Item names now use spaces (eg ironingot is now iron ingot and diamondpickaxe is now diamond pickaxe)
- Some items may appear like you think on the shop, but actually that isn't the item you mean (eg redstone torch is actually redstone torch on and wooden door is actually wood door block, but /find redstone torch and /find wooden door also work, but show incorrect prices (thanks chaos546 for some of that infomation))
#3 Making profit from buying and then selling
If you plan to make profit for either #1 Buying an items (or items) from the shop, crafting it into another item and then selling that, or #2 Waiting for the items price to increase you must be very carful as the developers of this plugin (aka Meep devs) have done some things in order to stop this.
- When you buy an item, you buy it for the price it displays on /price (or within 1% I'll double check that).
- When you sell an item, you don't get the full price it displays on /price. I bought a stone for 0.62 meebles, what it said on /price, but when I sold it it sold for 0.58, and it still said 0.62 on /price. That's less than 65% of what's on /price.
- The prices of items will change (up if buying and down if selling) reasonably fast, so buying masses amounts of items will cost more than you might expect and selling lots will get you less than expected, even if you include the already lowered amount you get.
I'll add new things to this when I find them out. Want anything included on this? Just ask and I'll include your name as well as the information.