Play Boomo, hunger games, or TNT run! Get the $$$$$
~ @Muunkee
2/3 dont work.
Go the the wild and mine for iron, gold, and diamonds. Sell diamonds and iron on the vshop, and sell gold at the bank. Easy money.
~ @Muunkee
If you're good, go grab some swords and PVP! You keep everything you get in there and can keep it or sell!
~ @Muunkee
Does anyone even pvp anymore
After you get tons of money, go villager trading. turn those 2K into 100K. Search for Hornemans
~ @Muunkee
If you can, buy/make a town. If you set taxes, you can get an instant profit every day. make sure you keep enough money in your bank, though!
~ @Muunkee
Towns cant make profit easy bc too many free ones. Whee.
Chat in /shout often. Ask for jobs. People will hire you to clear plots and other things and you will get paid.
~ @Muunkee
Man I haven't seen this happen in a bit
If you see someone say ''Dropping items at spawn'' Always go. no matter what it is. You could get anything from sticks to diamonds to use and sell.
~ @Muunkee
Tbh I miss this
Have good and proper grammar when Fuzzlr's around. He might give you his head, which you can sell or keep for free!
~ @Muunkee
When fuzzlrs around LOL
Always, always, always follow the rules. If you get enough temps, you get a perm. If you get a perm, it's usually a 100% money wipe. gone forever. bye bye. Also, if you change your username(active in 1.8) or are inactive for 60 days, you lose your money.
~ @Muunkee
I love this bc its pretty easy to avoid staff if you try