Hello everyone! I am here to give you guys a money making guide. This is no "Get Rich Fast" guide because lets face it, there is really no way for someone to go from rags to riches overnight in this game legitimately.
also, don't vote on the poll until you're done reading please, thanks! :)
Getting Started:
Okay, so you join the server for the first time. You're homeless, getting ready to starve, and have minimal money/items. For a limited time only, you can vote for the server and gain 6k meebles easily. You vote by going to the "Vote" tab on the forums and voting on the 3 websites. This is an easy way to get yourself on your feet and ready to make some cash. Use this 6k to buy yourself some starting tools and armor and some food, and head into the wild to look for materials. REMEMBER TO VOTE EVERY DAY. It is a limited time to get 6k a day. The rewards for voting will be nerved on March 7th, so if you start now, you can get a minimum of 72k, but odds are you will get a 20-50k bonus for a vote at least 2 times! So you'll have around 100-115k by then just by voting! Use it to your benefit! You can get even more than 6k a day if your lucky because sometime it has a chance of giving you up to 50k if you vote often.
Materials To Gather:
Now that you are in the wild, start doing the usual procedure to get yourself started. Make a little stone cave or something, and make sure to be mining absolutely every ore you come across. At this stage of the game, every ore is valuable to you. One little trick that is known by few is that you can make a lot more than just a few meebles from one coal. You can use that coal to make 4 torches, which sells for a lot more than 1 coal. This increase may seem minimal, but when you're starting out you should try to make the most out of all the resources you gather. This also works with redstone torches. If you look on the virtual shop, redstone is almost worthless, but when you convert it into redstone torches, you are making a lot more money off of it, and it doesn't take too long to sell either. One important thing is to NEVER SELL YOUR DIAMONDS TO CHEST SHOPS. These people that advertise the chat, saying for you to sell all of your values are making money off of you, and ripping you off. Sell all the valuable items that you are planning on selling to the virtual shop. This will optimize your profits. If you want, try to start up with a friend! It will make the starting out process more fun and enjoyable instead of feeling like your just grinding it out. During this homeless time, use an enderchest to store any valuables you come across.
Joining a Town:
Go town shopping! Look for a friendly, good looking town that has little to no taxes. If yourself, or you and your friend(s) are looking into bigger and better things such as starting a town in the future, then don't make elaborate houses, you are still in the grinding stage and you don't want to waste your time on that, (A Town-Owning Guide may come in the future). This will give you a temporary base, where you can make your own farms for food and other materials. Once you do all of this successfully, there are several guidelines you should follow that I will outline for you...
Don't Be a Jerk!
Be cool! Go on the teamspeak and make friends, make connections! The more connections you have, the more fun the game will be, and there will be more people that you can do some business with!
Are you Good at Something? Use it!
Use your skills to your advantage! Are you a good builder? Try to have someone hire you to make something for them! Good with redstone? Offer your services. Good at PvPing? Theres a perfectly usable centrum for you to make some money by selling heads or armor! If you're good at parkour, then go test your skills in the Parkour, where you can earn money for completing the parkour courses. You can also get into some plot clearing jobs for some cash as well.
Once you have some spare change.....
Now you have some money that is sitting there in your bank account, why don't you use it to your advantage? There are several ways in which you use your left over cash to make money for you! One way, which is how I made most of my fortune (Before I gave it all away), is investing in gold. Did you notice what happened to the gold prices when fuzzlr did the 20% tax? Yeah, they went down by roughly 20%. The money coming into the economy (Which indirectly makes the price of gold go up) will always outweigh the money being taken out, so if you're looking to cash in on a long term investment, gold is always a good choice.
Another way is to test the virtual shop market. Remember, this is a risky ordeal because this investment has a better short-term profit potential, instead of the long term investment like gold. Look into items that are used frequently, but are not too popular, like torches, coal, or glass, for example. If you have an excess of these materials, you can buy out the small volume sellers and put those items back into the market at a higher price, which would make you a profit. If you have a decent amount of money, this is a good way to let your money do work for you.
Next, another way to is have access to a grinder, and sell enchantments!
Lastly, the ol' risk/reward saying is, the higher the risk, the higher the reward, but that also is accompanied by the chance of a big loss as well. And in this cause, a high risk/reward method is dice dueling. But there is dumb way to dice duel, and then there is a smart way. I will teach you both right now. Here is a dice dueling method that I have used multiple times, something called "doubling". Since Dice dueling is strictly chance, and requires no skill, you can use the odds in your favor by following this method. Lets say you initially bet 10k on a dice duel. If you lose, DONT WALK AWAY... See if this person will bet 20k again with you, the odds of you winning are now greater, and if you win, you will have gotten 10k in profit. If you lost again, try to stake double the amount that you just lost, so in this case, bet 40k. The odds of you losing this time are very slim, and it is almost guaranteed that by this time you'll win, and you'll still come out with 10k extra in your pocket. If you were dice dueling any other way, that is the dumb way, lol. If your not comfortable with betting that much money, then start small, and work your way up!
(okay, but seriously....Don't do that. It's bad, mkay?)
By this time, you should have a lot of ways to make yourself some meebles. Remember, the main reason why the millionaires on this server are millionaires is because they don't like to spend their money! So be wise! Also, another key is diversification, if your money making portfolio is diversified, for example, mining, while having gold investments, while testing the virtual shop market, you will maximize your profits.
Well, thats about it for now! I shared a lot of things that some people may get mad at me for sharing, but it is pretty unfair how difficult it is to make money now for the average joe, so I figured that I should help some joes out man...
Now Please vote in the poll if you'd like more guides like this one! You can vote multiple choices in the poll, and comment your thoughts below...Thanks!
Your friendly neighborhood Gas Master,