marshallmafers Well, I wonder if the likes for my map would help my cause, or if fuzzlr just chose~ @Ninja_of_TempestIt seems that they don't determine if the map is chosen or not. I'm sorry for the disappointment. I have no clue how Fuzzlr has chosen the maps, but I'm sure that he had a lot of thought for each one.
Ninja_of_Tempest It seems that they don't determine if the map is chosen or not. I'm sorry for the disappointment. I have no clue how fuzzlr has chosen the maps, but I'm sure that he had a lot of thought for each one.~ @marshallmafersNo, it's fine. I think it would be cool if he showed how he judged
SJP LF> These maps. Would pref Ninja's second entry over either of the first two.Not much to do in parkour anymore.