Hi guys, why I'm making this guide is to help first time mayors/new people to better understand the Meep towns system. I've seen some things that I really want to give my advice to. (You can trust my advice I've been a mayor in 4 towns.)
Some tips to help you:
ALWAYS do /towny prices [Town Name] before buying an embassy plot, I once bought an embassy which turned out to have an embassy tax of 40k. Not fun.
When having an open town (/t toggle open) ALWAYS do /t set perm off, otherwise people may join your town and claim plots for the sole purpose of griefing/stealing.
Never join a town owned by a mayor with bad ban record history, this may result in a towny theft from your plot.
Follow your own town rules, selfish mayors often kick you for the smallest things just to take your stuff..If you would like to add a friend to your plot do /plot set perm friend on and /res friend add [Name]
If you are granted assistant by your mayor, it is not a illegal act to take it away suddenly.
When making a new town, if a bunch of selfish doners in god armour /t spawn to your town and try to kill you, stay on the plot you claimed to start the town until they go away. Or to avoid this /t toggle public and /t toggle public again when you're ready to re-open your town.
For more tips please /mail or /msg me in game.
Plot perms:
If you don't want your /res friends to be able to open your chests/doors/etc do /p set perm off.
BE CAREFUL /p has a very different meaning to /plot. /p stands for /person.
If you own a slots casino or something where you want everyone to be able to open the door/chest/etc do /plot set perm switch on.
If you don't want your town residents to be able to open other's and the town's chests on plots, do /t set perm off.
Town shop advice:
When buying from a 'shop sign' style shop always compare prices to Vshop, if prices at the sign shop are more than vshop, then by all means buy off vshop. If the sign shop is cheaper than vshop, you should buy there for personal use/re-selling.
Phony/Scam/Luring evasion advice:
Do not accept /tpa's from people you don't know or promise to give you something outrageous, eg some says.
"/tpa to me for free diamond blocks!" This is normally not legit, and they will kill you after you /tpaccept.
To prevent scams, do not buy items off people you've never heard of or sound suspicious.
(Elites) DO NOT buy spawners off ults, they are often /spawnered and are therefore illegal to own. Blaze spawners especially as these spawners are worth double what normal spawners are worth.
When buying heads, always hold your crosshair/cursor over the head and and right click. This is a new plugin which is very useful for evading anvil renamed heads. Aki, no you don't own my head.
New mayor advice:
When making a new town, always have over 300k (The town price) so you can /t deposit some money into your /t bank. I have seen towns that have been made and destroyed due to unaware new mayors.
As a new mayor, NEVER /t rank add [Name] assistant someone who asks in shout, they're probably a towny theif and will grief/steal.
To boost your town's popularity, it is always good to have some things that involve the community, some examples are: Free grinders, free facilities (Not public toilets) like anvils and enchantment tables, cake (This works legit) and statues.
In game currency rank buying advice:
NEVER buy from an unranked/unknown seller, they will likely scam you.
NEVER buy from a selfish seller, they may chargeback and get you banned.
Always ask in shout about the prices for a rank, the normal rank prices are about 450-500k per $10 Usd.
Other advice:
When /res friend adding always make sure you trust the person and/or do /p set perm off so they may not steal/grief your plots.
When using a casino in towns, if it looks like it is rigged, by all means /modreq and report. When using slot machine style casinos in towns, always compare other casinos (Even if it's gambling you still want the best price).
Don't sell access to free grinders, it makes your reputation terrible.
If you ever need more advice or help with something in towns, please /mail or /msg me and I will help.
Thanks for reading guys :D