Seeing as how CRS (Certified Rank Sellers) have been removed, before you buy a rank from someone else, do your homework.
1. Check what rank they are. If you're buying Exclusive from someone who's just a citizen or even just VIP, then chances are that they have no intention of buying you your rank. In general, always try to buy ranks who are equal to the rank you're buying or higher. And don't just take their word for it -- ask them to prove what rank they are. Don't make the transaction with them if the refuse to prove it.
2. Check what date they joined by using /res in the towns world. If they joined a week ago, then chances are that they wouldn't be selling ranks to other players.
3. Check how much money they have, again with /res. If they have 0.00 meebles or close to that amount, then do not buy the rank from them.
4. If you are on the fence about a rank seller, then feel free to ask the community in /shout if they are reliable. If you are on the fence about whether or not someone is legit, then walk away from the deal. Better be safe than sorry.
5. Screenshot everything. Remember, it's better to have too many screenshots than not enough. Make sure to screenshot the both of you agreeing to the deal and you paying him. If you don't have at least those screenshots, then you will not get a refund and the scammer will not be banned. Hopefully, however, if you follow steps 1-4 then the screenies won't be needed.
If you follow these steps, then you will soon have your rank, and the scammer will be left to sulk in the corner.