There is a lot of people asking how to make money, and if you dont know how,you can refer to this thread.
(Just joining the server)
Parkour is a very fun way to make money. Every time you reach a checkpoint in parkour, you get 500 meebles, 1000 meebles, and so on, eventually reaching up to the 7th checkpoint. That will give you about.. maybe 15,000+ meebles. Parkour can be found at /warp parkour.
Jobs will give you a little amount of money, but overtime you will get a decent amount. To get a job, you need to type /jobs join (job name). The jobs are Farmer, Hunter, Woodcutter, and fisherman (if there is a mistake with the job names, please tell me). For more job info, type /jobs help.
Buying/selling stuff on the vshop will give you good deals, and good amounts of money. Selling stuff on the vshop is probably the best way to earn profit. Overtime, it could get you lots of money. Remember to not advertise in any chat, or it will result in a kick. To find the item your looking for, type /find (item). To buy an item, type /buy (amount of items) (item) (amount of meebles you are buying for). To sell an item, type /sell (amount of items) (item) (amount of meebles your selling for).
The Wild:
The wild is just survival, where you can mine, chop down trees, etc.
The wild is available at /warp wild.
I hope this thread helped you out on earning meebles.