The results for the top 5 builds are in!
Here they are (in no order in particular):
Soudafat - /t spawn Valens - x: 144, z:-47
Pheonixpuppy, matt4462f, tedcunningham (Marshallmafers) - /t spawn albion - the spawn
I_Hear_A_Squach - /t spawn Contest - x: -9498, z: -848
SSSoulblade - /t spawn contest - x: -9632, z: -913 (Make sure your music is on!)
Highlanders3Ruth - /t spawn contest - x: -9457, z:-838
Please rank the builds here for the grand prizes:
Honorable mentions:
stevecrazy - /t spawn Ktulu - the spawn
Sethoid - /t spawn watermanor - the spawn
Videogames321 - /t spawn jagville - x:2508, z:-2313
SurvivingSword11 - /t spawn contest - x:-9549, z:-807
flamedemond - /t spawn contest - x:-9547, z:-875
Thank you to everyone who entered! Please cast your votes for the grand prizes. The winners will be announced 12:00am December 25th!
Happy Holidays - Meepcraft Staff Team