...../warp towns (warps to towns world)
........../t new (costs 100k and creates a town)
........../t here (town info on the town you are standing in)
........../home (homename is only for donors and it warps you yo your home)
........../t spawn (warps to another town's spawn. this costs 10 meebles)
........../t spawn (warps to town spawn)
........../sethome (homename is for donors only and /home sets your home)
........../t set tax (sets the town tax)
........../t deposit (deposits meebles in your town's bank
........../t withdraw (withdraws money from town bank....... only mayor can do)
........../t (lists town residents and ranks)
........../home (homename is only for donors and it warps you yo your home)
........../t claim (claims a chunk of land)
........../t unclaim (unclaims a chunk of land)
........../t help (lists towny commands)
........../t toggle (toggles stuff in the town)
........../plot toggle (toggles stuff in the plot you are on)
........../t res (toggle permission im not familiar with)
........../plot res (same as /t res except it toggles plot)
........../t rank {add/remove} [ign of member] (makes a resident a certain rank E.G resident-assistant
........../t add (invites a player to your town)
........../t kick (kicks a player from your town
........../plot fs {number} (puts a chunk for sale for an amount of meebles
........../plot nfs (makes the chunk/plot not for sale)
........../home (teleports to your set home)
........../plot claim (claims a plot if it is for sale)
........../plot unclaim (unclaims a plot)
........../plot set (changes a plots type)
........../shop (shows the Vshop)
.............../find (finds an item on the vshop)
.............../sell {item} [number of each item] (puts an item for sale on the Vshop)
.............../buy {item} [max price]
...../warp sb (teleports to skyblock spawn)
........../is create (is is short for island and this command and creates a new island)
........../is (teleports to the island)
........../is restart (restarts the island)
........../is warp (warps to another player's island if their warp is active)
........../is togglewarp (toggles your island warp on/off)
........../is ban (bans/unbans a player from warping to your island)
........../is invite (invites a player to your island)
........../is delete (deletes your island)
........../is kick (kicks a player from your island
........../is level (shows your island level)
........../c (shows challenges)
........../c (gives info on the challenge)
........../c c (comepletes the challenge)
...../warp wild (warps to wild spawn)
........../warp rp (teleports to a random location you can do this anywhere even skyblock)
........../sethome (homename is for donors only and /home sets your home)
........../home (homename is only for donors and it warps you yo your home)