Thought I'd make a quick little guide on how to add pictures or gifs to your signature or to threads. Quick and easy, only takes 6 steps.
Step 1: Find the picture you want to use. In this case, we'll use a lovely picture of Gamagoori.
Step 2: Upload the picture to an image hosting site of your choice. I don't believe Imgur works, so you'll have to find an alternative. Personally I use Tinypic but other sites will work as well.
Step 3: Finish uploading the photo and copy the link to the photo. The link you need to use is highlighted in the picture.
Step 4: Find the picture button on the thread/reply/signature creation screen and click on it.
Step 5: Paste the link you copied earlier into the pop-up. Make sure it is the correct link, I've put in the wrong one many, many times.
Step 6: Click Insert and the photo should appear. If it doesn't, or it displays a broken image, you may need to use a different image host.
Aaaand we have our lovely Gamagoori! Don't worry about resizing images, they'll do that on their own.
Hopefully this thread helps, thanks for reading!