SX1 so im gonna do vshop ID's because so many people are asking what is id of dirt! (ik everyone knows that but that was an example* so lets get started :3 I will also have them categorized like blocks, potions, etc...YOU MAY ALREADY KNOW THIS BUT SOME NEW PLAYERS HAVENT! So dont say this is pointless :pWIPbtw when v-shop updates and you can be able to sell 1.7.2 items i will update this as well...TELL ME IF I NEED TO PUT LIKE (ex. wool) in a seperate category!Im thinking of putting stairs in same category as slabssorry for constant bold... ik its uglyBlocks: (not involving Redstone blocks / dispensers / etc)Warning! all vshop Id's may be wrong due to new just waiting for 1.8 :3Stone: /find stone OR /find 1Grass: /find Grass OR /find 2Dirt: /find dirt OR /find 3Cobblestone: /find cobblestone OR /find 4Oak Planks: /find plank OR /find 5Spruce Planks: /find spruceplankBirch Planks: /find birchplankJungle Planks: /find jungleplankSand: /find sand OR /find 12Gravel: /find gravel OR /find 13Gold Ore: /find goldore OR /find 14Iron Ore: /find ironore OR /find 15Coal Ore: /find coalore OROAK Log: /find oaklog, /findlog OR /find17Spruce Log: /find sprucelogBirch Log: /find birchlogJungle Log: /find junglelogOak Leaves: /findleaves, /findoakleaves, /find 18Spruce Leaves: /find spruceleavesBirch Leaves: /find birchleavesJungle Leaves: /find jungleleavesSponge: /find sponge OR /find 19Glass: /find glass OR /find 20Lapis Ore: /find lapisore OR /find 21 OR /find lapislazulioreLapis Block: /find lapisblock OR /find 22 OR /find lapislazuliblockSandstone: /find sandstone OR /find 24Wool: /find wool OR /find 35 OR /find WhitewoolOrange Wool: /find orangewoolMagenta Wool: /find magentawoolLightblue Wool: /find lightbluewoolYellow Wool: /find yellowwoolLime Wool: /find limewoolPink Wool: /find pinkwoolGray Wool: /find graywoolLight Gray Wool: /find LightgraywoolCyan Wool: /find CyanwoolPurple Wool: /find purplewoolBlue Wool: /find bluewoolBrown Wool: /find brownwoolGreen Wool: /find greenwoolRed Wool: /find redwoolBlack Wool: /find blackwoolGold block: /find goldblock OR /find 41Iron Block: /find ironblock OR /find 42Brick Block: /find brickblock OR /find 45TNT: /find tnt OR /find 46Bookshelf: /find bookshelf OR /find bookshelves OR /find 47Mossy cobblestone: /find mossycobblestone OR /find 48Obsidian: /find obsidian OR /find 49Oak Staircase: /find woodenstairs OR /find 53Spruce Staircase: /find sprucestairs OR /find 134Birch Staircase: /find birchstairs OR /find 135Jungle Staircase: /find junglestairs OR /find 136Diamond Ore: /find diamondore OR /find 56Diamond Block: /find diamondblock OR /find 57Crafting Bench: /find craftingbench OR /find worktable OR /find 58Furnace: /find furnace OR /find 61Cobblestone Staircase: /find cobblestonestairs OR /find 67Ice: /find ice OR /find 79Snow Block: /find snowblock OR /find 80Clay Block: /find clayblock OR /find 82JukeBox: /find jukebox OR /find 84Pumpkin: /find pumpkin OR /find 86Netherrack: /find netherrack OR /find 87Soulsand: /find soulsand OR /find 88Glowstone: /find glowstone OR /find 89Jack O' Lantern: /find jackolantern OR /find 91Stone Brick: /find stonebrick OR /find 98Mossy Stone Brick: /find mossystonebrickCracked Stone Brick: /find crackedstonebrickMushroom Cap: /find mushroomcap OR /find 99Brick Stairs: /find brickstairs OR 108Stonebrick Stairs: /find stonebrickstairs OR /find 109Mycelium: /find mycelium OR /find 110Nether brick block: /find netherbrickblockNether Brick Stairs: /find netherbrickstairs OR /find 114Enchantment Table: /find enchantmenttable OR /find 116End Stone: /find endstone OR /find 121Sandstone stairs: /find sandstonestairs OR /find 128Emerald Ore: /find emeraldore OR /find 129Emerald Block: /find emeraldblock OR /find 133Beacon: /find beacon OR /find 138Redstone Block: /find redstoneblock OR /find 152Nether Ore: /find netherore OR /find 153Quartz block: /find blockofquartz OR /find 155Quartz stairs: /find quartzstairs OR /find 156White Clay: /find whiteclay OR /find 159Orange Clay: /find orangeclayMagenta Clay: /find magentaclayLightblue Clay: /find lightblueclayYellow Clay: /find yellowclayLime Clay: /find limeclayPink Clay: /find pinkclayGray Clay: /find grayclayLight Gray Clay: /find lightgrayclayCyan Clay: /find cyanclayPurple Clay: /find purpleclayBlue Clay: /find blueclayBrown Clay: /find brownclayGreen Clay: /find greenclayRed Clay: /find redclayBlack Clay: /find blackclayHard Clay: /find hardclay OR /find 172Coal Block: /find coalblock OR /find 173Slabs or 1/2 blocks:Stone slab: /find stoneslab OR /find 44Sandstone Slab: /find sandstoneslabOak Slab: /find woodslab OR /find woodplankslabSpruce Slab: /find pineslab OR /find spruceplankslabBirch Slab: /find birchslab OR /find birchplankslabJungle Slab: /find jungleslab OR /find JungleplankslabCobblestone Slab: /find cobblestoneslab OR /find cobblestonestepBrick Slab: /find brickslabStone Brick Slab: /find stonebrickslabNetherbrick Slab: /find netherbrickslabQuartz Slab: /find quartzslab1.7.2 Items and probably the /find Not in order AND THESE ARE NOT IN VSHOP !!!White Stained Glass: ID = 95; /find whitestainedglassOrange Stained Glass: ID = 95:1 /find orangestainedglassMagenta Stained Glass: ID = 95:2 /find magentastainedglassLight Blue Stained Glass: ID = 95:3 /find LightbluestainedglassYellow Stained Glass: ID = 95:4 /find yellowstainedglassLime Stained Glass: ID = 95:5 /find limestainedglassPink Stained Glass: ID = 95:6 /find pinkstainedglassGray Stained Glass: ID= 95:7 /find graystainedglassLight Gray Stained Glass: ID= 95:8 /find lightgraystainedglassCyan Stained Glass: ID= 95:9 /find cyanstainedglassPurple Stained Glass: ID= 95:10 /find purplestainedglassBlue Stained Glass: ID= 95:11 /find bluestainedglassBrown Stained Glass: ID= 95:12 /find brownstainedglassGreen Stained Glass: ID=95:13 /find greenstainedglassRed Stained Glass: ID= 95:14 /find redstainedglassBlack Stained Glass: ID=95:15 /find blackstainedglassWhite Stained Glass Panes: ID = 160; /find whitestainedglasspanesOrange Stained Glass Panes: ID = 160:1 /find orangestainedglasspanesMagenta Stained Glass Panes: ID = 160:2 /find magentastainedglasspanesLight Blue Stained Glass Panes: ID = 160:3 /find LightbluestainedglasspanesYellow Stained Glass [B]Panes: [/B]ID = 160:4 /find yellowstainedglasspanesLime Stained Glass [B]Panes: [/B]ID = 160:5 /find limestainedglasspanesPink Stained Glass [B]Panes: [/B]ID = 160:6 /find pinkstainedglasspanesGray Stained Glass [B]Panes:[/B] ID= 160:7 /find graystainedglasspanesLight Gray Stained Glass [B]Panes:[/B] ID= 160:8 /find lightgraystainedglasspanesCyan Stained Glass [B]Panes: [/B]ID= 160:9 /find cyanstainedglasspanesPurple Stained Glass [B]Panes: [/B]ID= 160:10 /find purplestainedglasspanesBlue Stained Glass [B]Panes: [/B]ID= 160:11 /find bluestainedglasspanesBrown Stained Glass [B]Panes: [/B]ID= 160:12 /find brownstainedglasspanesGreen Stained Glass [B]Panes: [/B]ID=160:13 /find greenstainedglasspanesRed Stained Glass [B]Panes:[/B] ID= 160:14 /find redstainedglasspanesBlack Stained Glass [B]Panes: [/B]ID=160:15 /find blackstainedglasspanesAcacia Leaves: ID= 161 /find acacialeavesAcacia Log: ID = 162 /find acacialogDark Oak Leaves: ID= 161:1 /find darkoakleavesDark Oak Log: ID = 162:1 /find darkoaklogPacked Ice: ID = 174 /find packedicePoppy: ID = 38 / find poppyBlue Orchid: 38:1 /find blueorchidAllium: ID = 38:2 /find AlliumAzure Bluet: ID = 38:3 /find azurebluetTulip (red): ID = 38:4 /find tulipTulip (Orange): ID = 38:5 /find orangetulipTulip (White): ID = 38:6 /find whitetulipTulip (Purple): ID = 38:7 /find purpletulipOxeye Daisy: ID = ID = 38:8 /find daisySunflower: ID = 175 /find sunflowerLilac: ID = 175:1 /find lilacDouble tall grass: ID = 175:2 /find doubletallgrassLarge Fern: ID= 175:3 /find largefernRose Bush: ID= 175:4 /find rosebushPeony: ID = 175:5 /find peonyRaw Salmon: ID = 349:1 /find rawsalmonCooked Salmon: ID = 350:1 /find cookedsalmonRaw Clownfish: ID = 349:2 /find rawclownfishCooked Clownfish: ID = 350:2 /find cookedclownfishPufferfish: ID= 349:3 /find pufferfishPodzol: ID = 3:2 /find podzolRedstone Items / Pistons / Etc.Dispenser: /find dispenser OR /find 23Note Block: /find Noteblock OR /find 25Rail: /find rail OR /find 66Power Rail: /find powerrail OR /find 27Detector Rail: /find detectorrail OR /find 28Activator Rail: /find activatorrail OR /find 157Sticky Piston: /find stickypiston OR /find 29Piston: /find piston OR /find 33TNT: /find tnt OR /find 46Lever: /find lever OR /find 69Stone Pressure Plate: /find pressureplate OR /find 70Wooden Pressure Plate: /find woodenpressureplate OR /find 72Redstone Ore: /find redstoneore OR /find 73Redstone Torch: /find Redstonetorch OR /find 76Button (stone) /find button OR /find 77Button (wood) /find woodenbutton OR /find 143Tripwire hook: /find tripwirehook OR /find 131Gold Pressure Plate: /find goldpressureplate OR /find 147Iron Pressure Plate: /find ironpressureplate OR /find 148Daylight Sensor: /find daylight OR /find 151Redstone Block: /find redstoneblock OR /find 152Hopper: /find hopper OR /find 154Dropper: /find dropper OR /find 158Redstone: /find redstone OR /find 331Repeater: /find diode OR /find 356Comparator: /find comparator OR /find 404Weapons / Tools / Armor[B]Weapons[/B][B]Wooden Sword: [/B]/find woodensword OR /find 268Stone Sword: /find stonesword OR /find 272Gold Sword: /find goldsword OR /find 283Iron Sword: /find ironsword OR /find 267Diamond Sword: /find diamondsword OR /find 276Bow: /find bow OR /find 261Arrow: /find arrow OR /find 262Axes:Wooden Axe: /find woodenaxe OR /find 271Stone Axe: /find stoneaxe OR /find 275Gold Axe: /find goldaxe OR /find 286Iron Axe: /find ironaxe OR /find 258Diamond Axe: /find diamondaxe OR /find 279Shovels:Wooden Shovel: /find woodshovel OR /find 269Stone Shovel: /find stoneshovel OR /find 273Gold Shovel: /find goldshovel OR /find 284Iron Shovel: /find ironshovel OR /find 256Diamond Shovel: /find diamondshovel OR /find 277Hoes:Wooden Hoe: /find Skaros123 OR /find woodenhoe OR /find 290Stone Hoe: /find stonehoe OR /find 291Gold Hoe: /find goldhoe OR /find 294Iron Hoe: /find ironhoe OR /find 292Diamond Hoe: /find diamondhoe OR /find 293Armor (Helmets)Leather Helmet: /findEnchanted Books (NOT in v-shop and is only used for chest shops)Without using anvil *yes 2 different ID's*ToolsEfficiency 1 Book: 403#2wEfficiency 2 Book:Efficiency 3 Book:Efficiency 4 Book:Efficiency 5 Book:
SX1 Slabs or 1/2 blocks:Stone slab: /find stoneslab OR /find 44Sandstone Slab: /find sandstoneslabOak Slab: /find woodslab OR /find woodplankslabSpruce Slab: /find pineslab OR /find spruceplankslabBirch Slab: /find birchslab OR /find birchplankslabJungle Slab: /find jungleslab OR /find JungleplankslabCobblestone Slab: /find cobblestoneslab OR /find cobblestonestepBrick Slab: /find brickslabStone Brick Slab: /find stonebrickslabNetherbrick Slab: /find netherbrickslabQuartz Slab: /find quartzslab
SX1 1.7.2 Item listLIst:Blocks1/2Foodtools / armor / weaponsRedstoneso... i found out it didnt look as good as i thought... so i just made it one post :LAnd should i put stairs with slabs?
SX1 And finally reserved for Redstone / Pistons / etcYeah sorry...about this...but they will contain information!
SX1 Why is hoes empty?Are you hoeisst? I will report this to skaros :p~ @kevman967 nuuu had a basketball game to get to >_>
SX1 Bookmarked and I love you~ @Qwikini love you too :)btw this took me 1 hour and 30mins... and im still not done XD
superbros1211 and planks and stairs and slabs and potions and that's okay.~ @MeepStatsYes potions and enchanted books if thats not too hard :)
SX1 and planks and stairs and slabs and potions and that's okay.~ @MeepStatsI'll get those soon Yes potions and enchanted books if thats not too hard :)~ @superbros1211since enchanted books arent in V-shop i have to do /item info ...I can still do them, just gonna be awhile
superbros1211 I'll get those soonsince enchanted books arent in V-shop i have to do /item info ...I can still do them, just gonna be awhile~ @SX1Thats fine then :)