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Best Posts

  1. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    We will be seeing the rise of Minecraft 1.8 soon.

    When this happens, Mojang will start allowing you to change your Minecraft usernames.
    Please note that if you change your username:
    • You will lose ALL of your data (Meebles, Items, Towns & Residency, Hiscores, etc)
    • You will lose ALL of your donator ranks
    • No one will know who you are! You will be a loner.
    • Someone else can steal your old username and your assets above!
    For this reason we ask you, do not change your username!

    An administrator will not help you recover your assets if you do!

  2. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    I hope you're all having a great day! This is a message to all Meeps who have just started their school year, and older Meeps that wish they were still in school. I'm in school too, and I've been pretty busy.

    I'm taking 2 AP classes in school and I get a lot of homework from those classes everyday. I'm also a part of my school play. This year we are performing Beauty and the Beast and I think it's going to be a lot of fun! After school I attend rehearsals for my advanced singing class. We are going to sing at a stadium in a couple of months and I'm really excited! I'm also excited to be part of my school's tennis team this year. We have both JV and Varsity teams, and we've been undefeated for a couple of years!

    I recently went to a Vampire Weekend concert in Brooklyn with my friends! It was a lot of fun because we got to see the band live.

    Here's a picture that we took of the concert:

    So I've been a bit busy and I'm sorry I didn't give you an update on important things, like what's going on with the server!

    There's a pretty touchy subject that was being discussed, and that's the recent removal of jobs. A lot of people have mixed views on what direction the economy should go! The jobs plugin had both negative AND positive effects on the economy. Before we start advertising the server to everyone, we need to make sure that players have ways to make money without destroying the economy! We encourage everyone to use the MeepShop to earn Meebles, while we work on solutions to the inflow and outflow of Meebles!

    I'm so excited to show everyone the new spawn that's coming to MeepCraft. I showed it to some players and they all said they liked it a lot. But before we let you use the new spawn, we have to do some tweaking and techy stuff to make sure everything's ready!

    I hope all of you are having a great day mining blocks on MeepCraft! I enjoy mining too and my favorite block is 36.

    EDIT: Im also sorry we didn't bid for advertising for September, my clock was off one hour and I missed the bid! (we'll get it right next month)
  3. theEditson

    theEditson Popular Meeper Elder

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    Editson’s Guide To Towny Perms

    This section is an all-inclusive guide to setting up and using Towny Perms for your plot or town, and also how to successfully set up and operate a Grinder while maintaining 100% control of it.

    This thread will not cover 100% of commands, only the maintaining & controlling of perms to your liking. For a complete command listing of Towny perms, go to this link:


    Understanding Permissions

    Controlling Towny permissions can seem extremely confusing at first, but this should clear up any misconceptions or questions you may have and make things a lot easier. Here is a breakdown of how perms work, and some things to remember/understand when using them.

    There are 3 types of perms:

    1. Town perms (/town or /t)

    2. Res perms (/res)

    3. Plot perms (/plot)

    They each follow the same syntax, but the commands are slightly different:

    - /town set perm [resident/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/itemuse/switch] [on/off]

    - /res set perm [friend/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/itemuse/switch] [on/off]

    - /plot set perm [friend/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/itemuse/switch] [on/off]

    - /town toggle [fire/explosions/pvp/mob]

    - /res toggle [fire/explosions/pvp/mob]

    - /plot toggle [fire/explosions/pvp/mob]

    Here’s a list of what each of those corresponds to:

    - Resident = any player that is a resident of your town (not embassy owners)

    - Friend = any player on your friends list (to see it, just type /res)

    - Outsider = any player on server

    - Ally = any player from an allied town in your nation

    - Build = Place any block

    - Destroy = Remove any block

    - Itemuse = Use an item (fire charge, flint & steel)

    - Switch = Open/use any door, pressure plate, button, lever, chest, etc…

    - Fire = Fires spread from one block to another

    - Explosions = TNT explosions

    - PVP = Combat between players

    - Mob = Mob activity on plot

    Understand that these perms are structured

    Because there are 3 sets of perms for 3 different types of situations, you must understand which perm overrides which. Here is the order in which is the easiest to think about them:

    Towny < Res < Plot

    Your town perms affect your town only. Specifically, your town perms are only applied to any plot that is marked ‘Unowned’ whether it is for sale or not.

    Your res perms affect each of the plots you own anywhere. This means the plot says it IS owned, and not unowned.

    Plot perms can be applied specifically to one plot at a time to override certain perms that either town perms or res perms were previously applied to. Non mayors can apply this to any plot they own, and it is beneficial because they can keep the same perms with res perms on every plot they own, but can change 1 perm on 1 plot for a certain reason…

    Here is an example to put this into perspective:

    - I own 5 plots ( I am not a mayor), and I want my friends (on my friends list) to be able to use my chests on any plot I own, BUT one of the plots is a huge storage area and I DON’T want anyone to be able to do anything on it… then here is what you would type, in order.

    While standing anywhere in the Towny server, you would do:

    /res set perm off

    (this sets all perms for all plots OFF under /res)

    /res set perm friend switch on

    (this sets the ability for your friends ONLY to be able to use chests, etc, on every plot you own)

    Then, walk over and stand on the plot you would like to apply overriding/plot perms to, then you would do:

    /plot set perm friend switch off

    (this turns off the ability for friends to use chests, etc, on this one plot only, which overrides the /res perms you set earlier)

    You can apply a number of combinations of this depending on the amount of plots you own and what they are used for/how they are used. One thing to remember is that the ‘resident’ perm under /town perms is different than the ‘friend’ perm under /res and /plot perms and they do not correlate or mix.

    You cannot apply perms for people on your friends list to plots that you do not own personally… Visa Versa, you cannot apply resident perms on plots that are owned by you or any other player… their plot is reserved for them and their own /res perms. Unowned plots are the ones set up under Town perms (resident/outsider/ally).

    Important Notes***

    It is important to note that when you first join the server, your /res perms are automatically set to all on for friends only. Be aware that when you add friends to your friends list (with /res friend add [player]), they will be able to do anything on your plots, unless you manually turn them off. It is a smart thing to do, as is learning and understanding all of this information. To turn off every perm for everyone, you can do:

    /res set perm off

    It’s also important to note that when you change your res perms, the plot perm that was manually set for each plot will stay the same. Also, the plot perms are also set by default to be on for your friends, for the first plot that you own. To turn them off to be safe and to know you have everything off you can just do:

    /plot set perm off

    (Just to be safe, on plots that you want no activity on, except for yourself)

    Using this guide, you can create some nice combinations and truly master the access on plots in your town or plots that you own. My other thread will be on how to set up the perfect grinder using a simple build and utilizing Towny perms to control access and keep things safe. To read that you can click HERE (to be added)

    If you have any questions or suggestions on how to fine-tune this guide, then feel free to post a reply and I will review it personally. The sole purpose of the thread is to solidify the understanding and execution of Towny Permissions and to reduce the number of Meep crimes committed around the misuse of them.
    SuperDyl, iKitten, cooey and 38 others like this.
  4. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    As many of you know, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma were where we spent countless hours getting to know each other and having fun playing minecraft. Great time was spent playing and enjoying the server: collecting resources, building towns and grinders, enjoying the thriving economy, and making new friends. All of this is consequential to the fond memories that were formed. Some of the greatest builds, masterpieces, were built over the course of hundreds to thousands of hours. Many new players came into the community, while farewells were said to some old. The fun and friendship we experienced will not be forgotten, and will not end.

    With the release of the unified towns world, after an unexpected reset, many players in the community requested that we put the legacy worlds up for download. The relaunch of MeepCraft with a reset of towny, new jobs, and so much more resulted in the divulging of many issues that required balancing and correction. Due to this it took some time to fulfill the well warranted request to make the legacy worlds available for download. Providing a means for the community to download of the legacy worlds was the utmost priority to insure the time and effort put into these worlds was not without peril.

    Today we are happy to announce that the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma worlds are available for download! Preserving the memories and creations built during the legacy towns era was fundamental to our decision to release the worlds. It is our hope that these worlds are downloaded, explored, and enjoyed from time to time. As MeepCraft continues to move forward in a positive direction it is important not to dwell on our past, but to rather learn from our mistakes and continue for the better.

    The world downloads are relatively large so please be aware of that when downloading.​

  5. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    After months of work and development by administrators and our amazing builder Notux, we are finally able to say that we have released the new spawn!

    There are a lot of new places in the spawn and we'll constantly be adding more features as the week progresses. We have plans to re-add the bank, change the shop prices, add p-holos, fix minigames, and much more :)

    Thank you to all of the staff and Diana for your help with the new spawn!

    I hope all of you enjoy.
  6. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    VIP -
    Cowboy, Disco Pants
    Premium - Pyromaniac, Ghosts
    Exclusive - XxPoopBlockxX, Suicidal Sheep
    Elite - CATapult, Railgun
    Supreme - Paint Trail, Slimevasion, Fun Cannon
    Legend - Paint Gun

    We are happy to announce that gadgets are now available! You can type /gadget to use this new feature. Some gadgets were not listed here. That is because we are in the process of working out some bugs with them.


    We have finished our Skywars game mode and are working on ironing out the last few bugs before we make it available to the public.


    Players will be able to purchase boosts, such as 2x XP, the ability to fly, and enhanced speed. When purchased in the server shop, everyone on the server will have access to the abilities for a limited amount of time. This buyable perk will be available in the shop soon.

    New Spawn

    Here is a sneak peak of a small part of the new spawn we are creating with the help of the architectural team.



    I would like to apologize about not posting updates. Over the past few months I have been operating in the background to keep the server up and delegate tasks to complete current projects. My activity is limiting, but there is progress being made. The biggest problem is the lack of revenue. Because there is a lack of revenue there is no funding to pursue advertisement. The server itself is functioning perfectly and retaining a healthy amount of player retainment, however that number decreases due to lack of incoming players. The areas in which we are most lacking would be in marketing and development.

    We have rarely pursued anything other than paid advertising in the past, due to the fact that we have always had adequate funding. At this point we do not have adequate funding due to the EULA changes. Due to the changes we have lost a majority of server revenue and are unable to take risks when it comes to advertising. Therefore growth has to be more organic. The changes come during a particularly rough time because we are inundated with development work, which includes the updates to Minecraft 1.9 and 1.10.

    While evaluating this problem, one must consider that while some servers suffer from the EULA, there are a few that are still running successfully. I have wondered why MeepCraft falls so distinctly into the former group. My explanation for this is that MeepCraft is based heavily around the economy. An economy server is dependent on factors such as power, wealth, and economic advantages. In the past, our revenue model has been dependent on players seeking economic advantages. Giving those advantages to paying players is what has driven our revenue model for almost 4 years.

    When we are asked by Mojang to remove these economic advantages from our shop, we are basically being asked to remove 90% of our revenue model. The server will struggle to survive this way, and even the most creative solutions may not be enough to compensate for the loss.

    While this may seem to be very bad news, there are a number of solutions to this problem that may help alleviate in the short term. A strong economy server requires a large number of participants. I strongly encourage all players to actively promote the server, whether in your social circles, and remind everyone that organic growth depends not only on our continued work on the server but also your efforts to refer new players to it.
  7. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    So we understand this came as a surprise to you all. Trust me, It caught us off guard as well.

    We thought most things were alright but that was not the case. We were alerted that we have less than 10 hours comply with the EULA or we will be shut down.

    We had 2 choices. Shut down and redo everything without allowing you guys on, or go through every permission node for the 10 hours straight and remove what we have to do be compliant.

    We spent the 10 hours removing everything we had to, and moving everything we had to in order to comply. We also gathered some ideas to put together to let you know that we will be adding some pretty amazing things to the ranks.

    Unfortunately, some perks cannot come back. This stinks for us all and believe me. Fuzzlr pushed very hard with Mojang but they did not budge.

    Certain commands WILL make a comeback. We just need to make them available to everyone and purchasable with Meebles. We did not have time to go through all these, or re-add these. We also did not have time to remove the lores on /fixed items however that will be addressed.

    Things like fly may become available through hourly buying them with meebles. We just need to go through it all and re add what were allowed to so PLEASE. Have patience.

    We are all very stressed about this but these things are not what make Meep, Meep.
    We need to pull together and come up with ideas to get this server to be top notch again. This done not come through toxicity or complaining. It comes through maturity and sharing ideas in a organized manner.

    Feel free to suggest things but please keep in mind, we have a big list and are working hard to get them done.

    We love you all and cant wait to see how everyone comes together!

    -Meep Staff.
  8. ahDraqq

    ahDraqq Active Meeper

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    Member Name: Already talked about this in my last appeal, but my current IGN for the time being is kushyy, until I think of a new name to change it to.

    Additional In Game Names: Player, Player1, Player2 and ohDraqq (I have other alts, but I only consider these my "main" accounts)

    When you were banned: Can't remember exactly when, but It was a good few months ago.

    Reason for ban: Toxic Player/Re-ban of Sjoes ban

    Ban Length: Perm

    Staff member who issued ban: Sjoepappentrap/Cooleysworld

    Why we should consider your appeal:



    Like I said in my last appeal..Cooleys was the one who said that I can make an appeal and that he'd be dealing with it personally I'm not trying to mean anything malicious by any means here and I know that I literally have no say or choice in who deals with the appeal but I'd rather it would be Cooleys since he's the staff member that I feel that I've broken his trust with far too many times - and from my knowledge lower staff can't accept or deny since it was supposed to be an admin dealing with it because it was an admins ban (Please correct me if I'm wrong here, this is just what I've been told) I am more than happy to wait for his arrival back.

    Well, it's been a good few months now, since I've been banned, many things have happened and many things have changed (staff can message be about during my..well I guess you could call it a "withdrawal" from Meepcraft and I know this ban appeal is that last thing some of the staff want to see from me. From my knowledge I was banned for being a toxic player, I still don't quite know all the details about my ban other than what I just said, so..I'll right this in the context of being banned for being a Toxic Player. To start this off, yes I did used to say that Meep was somewhat dying before I got permed (the perm ban before the current one) Yes I did complain about nearly everything wrong/broken with the server, but this time I really dont see what I did/said that got me perm banned, I think I had only 1 kick (cant remember what for, but nothing major). I've never used the excuse that Meep was dying due to drop from 1000 players to 100/150 a day, simply because I never played during that time period. I agree with the BS thing stopping you as staff from fixing stuff, and I know how hard all of the staff team have been working to fix the server, but internally and externally. I really can't seem to see myself on the server all the time like I used to, as I'm not really into Minecraft anymore, I just want to catch up with old friends and players from the server - I know you're about to say something along the lines of "If you do not wan't to play, why would we bother unbanning you?" and simply to say, not saying that I won't play but like I just said the main reason would only to be catching up with the players, which may give me more motiviation to put in as much time into the server like I had done previously and maybe find one of my old towns to revive and work on. If staff see a different side, so be it.
    Previous appeals denied reasons from my serious appeals:

    Cooleysworld: //Denied! We are doing you a favor, you always say how Meep is terrible and dying etc
    etc. I don't want you to have to deal with these terrible things you say is happening. You should be allowed to be somewhere you want to be, sorry we were holding you back from happiness.//
    Like I have already said partially above and in my other appeals, this isn't a favor for me, this was a favor for the staff and players of Meepcraft to not have me on the server and I could totally see why. The times I did complain about things, only lasted a few days max and was because I was bored of the server at the time with nothing really to do nor a vast amount of ways to make money. Times have changed since then and I've been following the Updates on the forums and have been speaking with staff about the changes and I can say that these are a great improvement for the server and that the staff are now doing their best to please the players as much as possible and I and many others players appreciate it a lot. If I should be allowed to be somewhere I want to be; like you said, at the moment and in the future I want to be on Meepcraft, as I do miss the server and community of meepcraft and I'm very ecited in meeting all the new players the server has brought in. Pretty much the same but, you shouldn't be sorry for "holding me back from happiness" I should be sorry for holding the server and players back from all my wrongdoings.

    Quaddy: //Time and time again you have found yourself in this position, and it seems equally as many times we have made the mistake of issuing an unban. You've proven to be toxic to the community and staff of this server and I don't see this moment fitting for your return.Denied.//
    Yes, I know that I have found myself in the position, again and again and..again and although I wish I could, there's nothing I can do to turn back time the only thing I can do is prove that I can prove is this time the staff won't feel as if they have made a mistake of unbanning me and I know they won't, but I can't really prove that if i'm not directly on the server. Although the players won't see this, I've been trying to prove myself as a worthy person to unban via chatting with numerous amount of staff members trying to re-gain their trust and so far it has been successful, which I feel is a good start and I can see that most of the community would welcome me back due to the numerous amounts of threads or mentions of me in them and the fact that I had got 65 likes alone in my appeal alone and how some of my friends from the server are actually making their way to come play with me on other servers rather than playing on meep proves that. Again this is a common topic within in this appeal but, a lot has changed and I feel it is relevant as I've been banned for a pretty long time and that has gave me adequate enough time to improve on myself as a person and have now learned where to draw the line which I hadn't been doing previously on the server. I'd like to say this again and also said it in my last appeal for my last unban, but I had no bans or kicks (to my knowledge, please correct me if i'm wrong or whatever) I may have had a kick, not entirely sure but If I can't remember, It couldn't have been that major.

    ------If you feel I have missed one out, please link me to it. I'd me more than grateful. --------

    I'm sorry if there's a lot of grammar mistakes or misplaced words but my mouse is on it's last life
    and randomly does stupid stuff such as triple clicking instead of single clicking or generally clicking on random things.

    EDIT: I just noticed notepad corrupted a great chunk of this, I'll try add it back in later.
  9. PhoenixPuppy

    PhoenixPuppy Celebrity Meeper

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    Did I get you?

    This thread is an unofficial guide on becoming ready to apply for helper, and whether you are ready or not.

    If you catch yourself thinking "Am I ready to become helper?", or "Should I apply to become helper?"... just stop there. Let me be the first to tell you, you're not ready. You need to be confident in your skills, and your possible ability to moderate this sever. However, their is a difference between confident, over confident, and arrogance.

    Here is a prime example of arrogance/over confidence (I'm sorry if you take offence to me using you as an example L33t_H4wk)
    If you say something like this on your application... you're not ready to be a helper, and 99.9% of the time your application is going to be denied.

    Just FYI, never... ever... make a thread asking "Should I apply for helper". If you would like to find out what you could do to better yourself, ask your friends, or even the community what you could work on. Don't say "Hey broskie! How you doin'? What do you think I could do to improve my chances of being a mod?", or "What could I do to better myself for a moderator position?". Just keep it simple "What are some of my flaws you guys think I could work on?", make sure if you do this that you are ready to hear some cold hard truth, and be willing to accept it.

    Ok, so lets get into the application process.

    Throughout your entire application you need to keep it formal... correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Common things that I see are: "plz", "thx", "I like 2" or "I did this 4", and faces like XD :) :p ect... I really prefer not to see faces in your applications. I also like to see applicants refrain from using words like "help", "helping", and "helpful". I see too many applications filled with these words. "I like to help people, by helping, because I am helpful", while no one really says it like that example... that's basically their application in a nutshell. Their used to be a rule (one that I wish was still here) stating that you are not allowed to use: help, helpful, and helping. Also... do NOT put polls on your application.

    Also refrain from over using/using out of context words like "Like", like I know you all like to use the word "like", but like seriously it like fills the entire application up with like... "like". It is like.. really annoying.
    See what I did there? :p

    Now, be sure you are filling your application up with good information. Don't put in mumbojumbo about the magical purple flying monkey ninjas of doom that tried to kill you that one time. Keep it all relevant to Meepcraft and moderation. Also do not make promises you cannot keep like "I will stahp all teh greifers!"

    "Hello friends! My name is Madison or June, call me whatever you prefer. I spend a lot of my time here on Meepcraft and enjoy it as well. Other than being on the computer I like to go snowboarding and play guitar. I have been doing both of those things for a very long time and hope to improve my skills even more. I try to expose myself to lots of different activities. Knowing how to do a variety of things lets you be smarter and a more well-rounded person. Along with computers, although I’m not that good at it, I like to design little websites with fun buttons and colors. I’m trying to learn more languages but it’s a pain. Learning Java has definitely helped me understand Minecraft and the server a lot more." -June lawnchaired

    Now, this is a perfect example of this topic. Though Madison talked about snowboarding and guitar playing, she kept it relevant. How? One may ask. She went on to describe her drive to better the skills she already has, and her drive to learn new things. This is completely relevant to becoming a moderator, if you wish to become a moderator you need to be willing to learn new things and improve on what you may already know, some of which may include: people skills, typing, spelling, grammar, punctuation (So you can continue to communicate with the community), moderator commands, rules, ban lengths, and the list goes on and on.

    If you have past experience moderating servers that is a good addition, though again you want to keep it relevant to Meepcraft, and you don't want to advertise.

    Bad example: I haz been Adzmin on 24 PMC servers and I is gud at moderwaitor commandz, one of teh servers I has been staff on iz prettykittycatMC.cat. (Not a real server as I am sure you can tell)

    Again I am going to quote Madison here:

    "I’ve been playing on Meepcraft technically since April. I came on the server and left within minutes because there were far too many people. The spam was too much for me seeing that I was used to co-owning a server that had 30 people max."-Junelawnchaired

    Once again she kept this very relevant while explaining two vital things. One is how long she has been playing, and the other is past experience. She didn't advertise, and kept it very relevant. (Kudos on such a grate application Junelawncharied, I hope you don't mind if I use these bits and pieces)

    A few other things you should talk about is your work ethic, dedication, why they should specifically pick you over other applicants (don't say "cause I am better"), tell us what makes you unique and different. I also strongly believe in making your application two weeks in advance, peer editing it, and looking at it once a day to work out kinks and make it better. Remember to follow the format, and the forum rules while applying. Be sure you accept criticism very well, expect bad replies, and be creative!

    People like to see long applications, though I disagree... if you make it too long you will start to repeat yourself and talk about jibberjabber. Kept it short (but not too short) and to the point, be direct.

    EDIT: One last thing... don't make your application boring, people wont want to read it. Make it interesting, give it a good title, and start out by drawing your readers in.

    (Application break down, introduction.)

    Quite obviously the Introduction of the application is for you to introduce yourself, and more importantly this is your best time to be creative. Most people start out by saying "Hello, my name is blah or you can call me blah, I joined Meep on blah date." I challenge you to do different. It gets old and boring to see the same thing over and over, you need your application to be different and stand out over the rest. Again you need to draw you readers in, and make them want to read it.

    I will be making an introduction for myself as if I were applying for moderator. Keep in mind that if I were to be applying I would have made this two weeks before hand, and would be able to work out any kinks or add anything I would need.

    Introduction: Almost two years ago on a Minecraft server quite like this, an ancient creature named the "PhoenixPuppy" (also known as Richard) suddenly appeared in its spawn. The PhoenixPuppy eventually got to know the people and laws of the kingdom known as Meepcraft. Soon after, the PhoenixPuppy was granted the title of "Moderator", and would eventually stand at the right hand of the all mighty creator, fuzzlr. PhoenixPuppy guarded the great kingdom for many seasons; however like all who came before him he had his time, and needed to leave. Though before he left, he vowed that one day he would return, and guard the kingdom once again... then he burst into flames and turned to dust in the wind.

    Breaking it down:
    Introduction: Almost two years ago (This is me stating when I joined, though I am unsure of the exact date) on a Minecraft server quite like this, an ancient creature named the "PhoenixPuppy" (also known as Richard) (Explaining who I am) suddenly appeared in its spawn. The PhoenixPuppy eventually got to know the people and laws of the kingdom known as Meepcraft. Soon after, the PhoenixPuppy was granted the title of "Moderator" (The more important past experience), and would eventually stand at the right hand (This was to show the rank I eventually gained) of the all mighty creator, fuzzlr. PhoenixPuppy guarded the great kingdom for many seasons; however like all who came before him he had his time, and needed to leave (This was to show that I resigned, and was not demoted). Though before he left, he vowed that one day he would return, and guard the kingdom once again (This is just pretty much saying I am here to apply for moderator again)... then he burst into flames and turned to dust in the wind.

    Sorry if this isn't the best, I thought it was a pretty creative idea, though it has been forever since I have had to do one of these. :p

    (Why should you be helper/mod)

    The "Why should you be helper/mod" portion of the application is your time to shine. This is where you explain and tell us your best qualities. This is where you will get your chance to tell us what is so great about you, what would make you a good helper, why we should pick you, and more importantly why we should pick you over other applicants.

    (Examples of skills, you shouldn't just copy these and say I am good at them, you need to be honest)
    -Ability to communicate with the community, younger and older.
    -Understanding of the commands
    -Ability to work in a team environment
    -Having the ability to remain non-bias
    And the list goes on and on, anything that you think is relevant, put it down.

    WHAT MAKES YOU STICK OUT? I cannot stress the importance of this statement. You need to make people look at your application and say "Wow! Now this is a guy I would like to moderate this server." In the application process "Okay" isn't good enough, you need to be outstanding. Again you need to be confident (Not over confident though) with your abilities, you need to appeal to the player base... but more importantly you need to appeal to yourself.

    I've had a few people message me about their applications, they've asked me "Is this good?", "What do you think I need to fix?". I am all for peer editing, and I am very glad these guys have messaged me about this applications (Sorry if I haven't been as much help as you may have hoped, I've been quite busy), though in the end it is their decision to post it. You guys need to have your application appeal to yourself most of all, not just to me, or bobthebuilder. You need to look at this application and say "I love it". Once you are confident in your application, then you are ready to post it.

    Most importantly, you need to be honest with us and yourself. You need to be 100% honest on your application, and you need to seem believable.

    Application breakdown: Weaknesses
    4/11/14 1/11/15

    So this is a bit late... just by a few days you know.

    So lets get into the weakness then, shall we?

    Weaknesses is a very important part of your application, as with any part it can make or break it. You need to spend a lot of time, and thought into the weakness portion. Ask yourself the obvious question "What are my weaknesses?". Don't just look at another application and say well uhm I think maybe it could be maturity, just think long and hard... everyone has a big weakness.

    This would be my weakness portion if I were to apply:

    One of my biggest weaknesses is my tendency to blow things out of proportion. Ever so often I may see a post, thread, ban appeal, ban, kick, or just little things especially within the staff team I will dislike. As you all know from my infamous rant threads. Most people view them as little things, for me it's not like that. This is not just a problem I can just say "stop", however it is something I can keep under control or to myself as a staff member. I know how and when I need to set the example as a staff member.

    The weakness do not stop there... I have a fairly bad memory. Never could figure out why, been like that these past 5ish years. I can be sweeping a floor and use the restroom, and next you know I am mopping the floor and the broom is still where I left it. I know lots of people have bad memories, however this can be worse than some others I have seen. However if I am able to be set on one task I can stick with it until the end. That is also a good reason why we do modreqs and such one at a time. Again, it's not something that I can just say "im working on it", however I can promise that if I notice it beginning to largely effect to moderate, I will resign my position.

    What I personally like to see:

    At least two of them

    in my opinion five or six would be a bit much.

    Roughly the same length I have above for each.

    At the end of each one, put what you are doing to fix the issue. Or what you can do about the issue to keep it under control.

    Dont just say I can be immature because (X) some times.

    Anways, that's about it for tonight. Have a good night everyone, hope you enjoy.

    I will try to add to this at least every other day, hopefully I can continue to add a lot of tips here. I will (If I find time/remember) be editing and working on this tomorrow to add some extra tips, I'll be sure to bump it when I'm done each day. If you guys have any questions, or suggestions for topics for me to talk about please feel free to post them, and I will make a "Coming soon" list.

    Have a great day guys :)

    Coming soon:

    Application break down.
    -Why you should be Helper/Mod

    In game actions

    When should you apply

    When you shouldn't apply
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2015
    Trexy, cooey, KyloMeep and 35 others like this.
  10. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

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    i was 13 when i joined LOL gonna be 22 in july and i still play minecraft sooooo take what you will from that